Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
Unfortunately, every once in a while an issue may occur with an order. We are all only human! If this is the case, we are happy to assist you in any way we can. If the problem occurred as a result of an error on our part, we are more than happy to replace your item. Check out our handy list below to determine if you are eligible for a replacement.
Our Responsibility Oops! Somewhere along the way we made a mistake. Not to worry though! If any of the following are the case, we will take care of it for you. | Your Responsibility Oops! Somewhere along the way either you made a mistake. If any of these are the case, its up to you to sort things out. |
Faulty Product If the product has a hole, stains, or manufacturing defect. Placement Issue If a print is clearly crooked or off-center (>1"). Incorrect Image If we printed the wrong image. Wrong Item Sent If we send you the wrong garment, color or size. your responsibility | Ordered Wrong Size You ordered wrong size or it does not fit to your satisfaction Incorrectly Provided Address If you made an error in the address. Packages returned to us can be shipped again at the cost of the re-shipment. |
Replacement Request Instructions
If you believe an error has occurred due to a mistake on our part, first of all please accept our sincerest apologies! Your satisfaction is of the highest importance to us! We are happy to replace any items that we missed the mark on.
Please follow these instructions for an exchange:
1. Take a photo of the problem - If the problem is print size, please use a ruler.
2. Send an email with the subject line "Order # "YourOrderNumber" Replacement Request" to info@ameraucanabreedersclub.org.
3. Please include the following:
The photo(s)
A specific description of the issue
The Order Number
If there are multiple products in an order, identifying the product with the issue