Upcoming Meets


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[1] Connecticut Poultry Breeders, 6-9-19, Durham, CT

[2] Dixie Classic, ABC National, 12-7-19, Knoxville, TN

[3] Ohio National, District Meet and Self-Blue Qualifying, 11/9/19, Columbus, OH

[4] Little Rhody Poultry Fanciers Spring Show, 5/19/19, Richmond, RI

[5] New England Bantam Club Spring Show, 5/5/19, Walpole, MA

[6] Sussex County Poultry Fanciers Spring Show, 4/13/19, Augusta NJ

[7] NorCal Poultry Association Show, 3/22-24/2019, Red Bluff, CA

[8] Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show, 3/30-31/2019, Harrington, DE

[9] Dayton Fancy Feather Club Double Show, 4/27-28/2019, Greenville, OH


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