Upcoming Meets


<< < (3/15) > >>

[1] 11/4/23, Comanche Crossroads Show, Comanche, TX

[2] 11/4/2023, The Mega Show, Cleveland, OK

[3] 10/6/2023, Tulsa State Fair, Tulsa, OK

[4] 9/2/2023 Fayette County Fair La Grange, TX

[5] 10/21/23, Ontario Poultry Breeders Show, Grassie, Ontario

[6] 12/1/23, Dixie Classic, Knoxville, TN

[7] 9/15/2023, 7220 Poultry Show, Laramie, WY

[8] 8-17-23, Indiana State Fair 4H Poultry Show, Indianapolis, Indiana

[9] 11/4/2023, Washington Feather Fanciers Winter Brisk, Chehalis, WA


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