Upcoming Meets


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[1] 10/28/23 – 10/29/23 Apache County Poultry Show St. Johns, AZ

[2] 10-21-2023, Central Indiana Poultry Show, Lebanon, IN

[3] 11-18-2023 Nebraska State Poultry Show, Lincoln, NE

[4] 12-2-2023, Klein Poultry Extravaganza, Spring, TX

[5] 10-14-23 Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Poultry Show Jefferson, WI

[6] 9-23-2023 Old Dominion Poultry Association Show Doswell, VA

[7] 10/28/2023 Heart of Dixie Poultry Show Fort Payne, AL

[8] 4/22/2023 CRPE Spring Invitational Stevenson, WA

[9] 4/1/2023 South Texas Spring Classic Pleasanton, TX


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