Past Meets


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[1] 11-23-19 Tucson Fancy Fowl Tucson, AZ

[2] 12-14-19 Oklahoma State Poultry Federation Shawnee, OK

[3] 1-25-20 National Western Poultry Show Denver, CO

[4] 1-4-20 Blue Bonnet Classic College Station, TX

[5] 12-7-19 Dixie Classic Knoxville, TN

[6] Meet Reports Updated and reposted to the website

[7] Greater California Society of Poultry Fanciers Show, 2/23/2019, Fresno, CA

[8] New England Bantam Club Fall Show, 11/18/2018, Walpole, MA

[9] Comanche Crossroads Double/Double Shows, 11/10-12/2018, Comanche, TX


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