Author Topic: OK, lets get back to business!  (Read 5595 times)


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OK, lets get back to business!
« on: May 05, 2005, 09:33:31 PM »
The old forum was \"hacked\" on 4/30/05, so we have to start over.  Please take some time to join.  
We are starting with a generic message board and I\'ll make some modifications as we go.
Please let me know of any problems you may encounter with the forum/message board.
John W. Blehm

faith valley

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OK, lets get back to business!
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2005, 02:32:37 PM »

Glad you got the board back up and running.



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OK, lets get back to business!
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2005, 06:34:53 PM »
The default of this board would start everyone as a \"Newbie\", but I didn\'t like that term so made you a Spectator.  After just 5 posts you advance to Member status and after 500 you are a Guru.


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« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2005, 08:41:49 PM »
Here are some pointers for using this forum:
Under the logo, above, and the \"Welcome\" you\'ll find a bar with 5 buttons across it.
The first is \"members\" and you\'ll find a list of ABC Forum members there.
The last one is \"messenger\" and if someone sends a PM or Personal Message to you that button will prompt you to click on it to view the message.
The \"control panel\" is very useful.
Click on it to see more user options.
Here you can upload your own Avatar under \"edit avatar\"  Do a search for avatars and you\'ll find out what they are and download and then upload one you like.  My avatar is the logo to the left.
Under \"edit preferences\" it will be a big help to select your time zone.
Under \"edit profile\" you can include your homepage, but you\'ll have to include \"http://\" before www.whatever.???.
Here you can also include your \"signature\".  That way you don\'t have to sign each post - whatever you write in the signature box will be included on all your posts, like mine below.    
If you would like to be notified, by Email, when a new post is made to any topic just click the \"Subscribe\" button on the bottom of that topic page.
Since all topics are under \"Ameraucana Marketplace\", you can subscribe to it (like I have) and you\'ll get an Email notice every time something is posted.
You can edit your subscriptions  in the control panel.  


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OK, lets get back to business!
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2005, 12:12:28 PM »
Hi John. thanks for this post..Sure helped me out.  The chicks are doing great. couple pullets showing some promise. Chris


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OK, lets get back to business!
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2005, 07:27:47 PM »
Thanks John,
I appreciate this type of board.
I am new to the Ameraucana so it will all be new to me...
as far as the Ameraucana Breed goes.
The explanation helps too.


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« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2005, 05:13:29 PM »
I have turned off the PM option to receive Personal Messages.  I don\'t always notice them right away, so would prefer receiving only Email instead (it\'s more obvious and what I\'ll used to).
To turn the option off go to the Control Panel and Edit Preferences.


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OK, lets get back to business!
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2005, 08:38:50 AM »
Yesterday afternoon I couldn\'t view the forum.  I went to, the host server, and found this message:  
Database Error    
The MySQL database server is currently down for maintenance or otherwise unreachable.

Please try again later.
I was very happy to see that it is up and running this morning.

Blue Egg Acres

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« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2005, 11:30:02 AM »
That is good news, I was afraid it had been hacked again!


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« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2009, 05:39:40 PM »
Mike said:
maybe someone can enlighten us another topic, but I am post my reply here.
Yes the \"edit\" button is there and can be used to edit your original post, so you don\'t have to add new ones to give more info.  I use it a lot to correct my spelling and grammatical errors that I never seem to notice until I submit my post and read it.
Also, there is an \"email\" button in each post and can be used to reply directly to the person posting.  
I don\'t like the \"PM\" (private messenger) option and have turned it off in the control panel.  Others have also.
The Forum has many capabilities that may not be used much by many.  The \"search\" option is great.
Visitors to the forum can\'t view photos and are limited in the options available to them.  Administrators have special options and everyone else has the same options as everyone else.  


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OK, lets get back to business!
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2009, 06:04:18 PM »
Thank you John for setting me up.  I would not be on this forum were it not for you. I looking forward to asking and writing about Ameraucana chickens. Currnetly I have 54 birds: 26 Easter Eggers 21  purebred standard Ameraucanas from Washington and Texas and seven others (Rhode Island Reds, Brama, Sexling, Wyandotte Mutt. By the middle of the summer I\'ll get that number in half or more. That\'s the plan. The only reason I want other breeds is for the egg color and down the road ... maybe a broodie hen.

Chicken Will


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« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2009, 08:04:49 PM »
maybe a broodie hen

Buff bantam and buff large fowl Ameraucanas make good setting hens.  Year after year mine want to set on eggs when I want them to lay.


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« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2009, 08:33:37 PM »
I think I have one of those so hopefully I\'ll be ready when she is.

Chicken Will