Author Topic: Questions about the ABC standard and breeding  (Read 2441 times)


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Questions about the ABC standard and breeding
« on: December 05, 2009, 04:18:18 PM »
As a [ hopefully ] future breeder of Ameraucans , I\'ve been studying all I can get a hold of LOL .

First of all , I want to thank all those who went through what was most probably a very frustrating period of agreeing on a written standard and then getting the breed accepted by the APA .

In the standard it states \" lay eggs with blue shells \" rather than something like \" lay only eggs with blue shells \" . I\'m not referring to the shade of blue or green/blue , only wondering what priority is given to insuring that this breed is totally homozygous for the blue egg gene by different breeders .

I can see that this might be a contoversial subject , so if you wish to answer this question but do not wish to be quoted , please email me at and your statements will be kept in complete privacy .

Thank you


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Questions about the ABC standard and breeding
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2009, 03:07:13 PM »
what priority is given to insuring that this breed is totally homozygous for the blue egg gene by different breeders .

I don\'t know of any breeders that test-mate thier breeders to make sure they are pure (homozygous) for the blue egg gene.  Odds are most are pure for it.  The bigger problem is many carry modifying genes for brown shell coating.  That is what needs to be bred out.  
I do know that many of us have made it a higher priority in recent years to breed for blue eggs (without the modifiers for brown), while not losing the other Ameraucana traits that were higher in priority while developing the different Ameraucana breeds/varieties (16 recognized total).
Micheal\'s article in the latest ABC Bulletin relates to your question.
Also, keep in mind that the Standard\'s reference to blue eggs shells is only part on the info given about the breed, before it lays out the description that is the Standard the birds are judged by.  This is one reason some of us prioritized breeding for the Standard requirements (type, size, color, etc.) before concentrating on refining the egg color.


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Questions about the ABC standard and breeding
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2009, 11:43:07 PM »
Thank you John . I sure hope I find a country home soon , I won\'t be joining the ABC untill that happens and I have a place to keep a small flock . I\'m grateful to you and others for the dedication you all have demonstrated in creating an alternative to the Araucana and the continued work towards its perfection . I much prefer the more functioal beard , muffs , and rumps [ but to each their own ] . By the way , best wishes with those lavender birds , that color really trips my trigger LOL .