Author Topic: ABA National  (Read 14334 times)

Mike Gilbert

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ABA National
« on: January 18, 2010, 09:02:09 AM »
Word has it out of Massachusetts, where the ABA held its 2009 national meet last weekend, that they have awarded their 2010 national to the show at Columbus, and the 2011 to the big show at Indianapolis.   The latter passed by only one vote.    So there will be another combined APA and ABA meet in Indianapolis in October 2011.     Will the Ameraucana Breeders Club participate?    I believe our national is scheduled for the South Central District in 2011.   Paul, what do you think?


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ABA National
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2010, 01:03:25 PM »
Personally, we here feel that the rotation should be broken for 1 year and the show should be held in Indy. These combined shows are some of the largest in poultry history and we should be taking advantage of promoting our breed to the world.  Most all the other breeds will be hosting their nationals at this show and what better way to educate and get new breeders involved than to have our show there.  I know that people will say the show is in the Midwest too often, but this is an opportunity that dosen\'t knock too often. 1 year out of rotation will not throw a wrench into the system. 2012 would bring the schedule back into the rotation for Pauls district.   Don\'t want to ruffel any feathers,just feel this is an opportunity we shouldn\'t let slip away like we did when it was there last time.


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ABA National
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2010, 01:44:17 PM »
the rotation should be broken for 1 year

Jerry and I talked about this possibility at the show in Ohio.  All it takes is for the district directors to agree to do it.  Paul and Jean would let it pass, so Jerry could place it at Indy.  Then as part of the deal Harold and Barbara would also agree to let it pass so that it falls back to Paul in 2012.  If they all want to do it the only monkey wrench would be if a new director didn\'t honor the agreement.
The directors can discuss the proposal via group email.  The five of them have the power.


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ABA National
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2010, 02:28:24 PM »
If all agree, would we be trying to get the lavenders and splashes accepted at that point?


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ABA National
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2010, 03:32:30 PM »
I dont think that enough splash birds have been shown, but the Lavenders may be far enough along to try for qualification.  John had done a lot of work on them, he would know more on the numbers and exhibitors that have helped him.  If they meet all the qualifications,  I think they should go for it.

Birch Run Farm

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ABA National
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2010, 07:47:32 PM »
I believe this weekend at NEPC was the 2010 Bantam National.  I looked around but did not see any bantam ameraucana.  That does not mean there weren\'t any there, I just did not see them.  I did accept and take a bantam araucana for another breeder.  I\'m not a bantam person at all but this pullet sure was cute and very chatty for the drive there and back.
There were reportedly 3500 birds exhibited at NEPC this year.  It was a nice, big show and very well run.  Should anyone be interested, I\'ll post the large fowl ameraucana results tomorrow when I have access to a T1 line.  I\'ll be reporting on the ACA site tomorrow as well.


Mike Gilbert

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ABA National
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2010, 09:39:42 AM »
Quote from: Birch Run Farm
There were reportedly 3500 birds exhibited at NEPC this year.  It was a nice, big show and very well run.  Should anyone be interested, I\'ll post the large fowl ameraucana results tomorrow when I have access to a T1 line. YES, THAT WOULD BE GREAT.   LET US KNOW NUMBERS AND THE JUDGES NAME IF POSSIBLE.   THANKS!


Birch Run Farm

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ABA National
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2010, 11:11:43 AM »
Hmm, my bad, I didn\'t see that!  I will post the LF results on a new thread.


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« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2010, 03:03:19 PM »
Sorry I\'ve been so slow to respond.  Just saw the forum today-first time in several days.  I thought we learned at the joint APA/ABA in Columbus in 2002, that the joint nationals are too large especially when there is over 10,000 head, and over 30 national breed meets.  Our great breed, the \"Ameraucana\" was put off being judged, when it was promised.  However if the joint meet is what we want to do it\'s OK with me.
  I\'ve tried to get some show clubs in the South-Central District to respond for our Ameraucana national for 2011, but none have-so no commitments have been made.
Paul Smith


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« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2010, 09:21:53 PM »
I agree with Paul the joint nationals are too large. I think we should stick with the rotation.

Mike Gilbert

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ABA National
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2010, 08:47:32 AM »
Whatever is decided is fine with me.   I would prefer we don\'t schedule a national that would conflict with Indy;s dates however.


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« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2010, 09:30:51 AM »
I agree with Mike,there will be breeders that want to attend this show if it is a national or not. I for one will probably attend this show regardless.
How can a show be too big? We would be showing our breed to the world and what better way than to a large group of poultry exhibitors. Granted we would have to take our turn with judging and it may not be in some peoples time frame, we just need to take our turn like everyone else. From what we understand, the judging takes place in the order they hear we want our show there. So the sooner we can make a decision, and the sooner we notify them, the sooner we will be judged at this show. This is what we were told at the last show they held.We have a unique breed of birds that can compete with everyone else and should not be afraid to do so.
We had a great time at the last show held in Pauls district and want to go down in that area again, just feel that the rotation should be broken for 1 year.
Like Mike and others, we will go to what ever show the group decides on,  We just need to give Indy a chance at hosting our national.


Anne Foley

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« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2010, 10:56:53 AM »
John and I are planning to show at Indianapolis, even if it is not the Ameraucana National.  We would be willing to rent a table (our donation) to advertise the ABC because we feel that not showing off the club at such a big show gives a poor impression.  If anyone from ABC is around and would like to hang out at the table and greet visitors with us, that would be great!


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ABA National
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2010, 11:03:02 AM »
I agree with you Ann, it does give off a bad impression if we dont participate. You can count on us to help out  if this is not our national.


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ABA National
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2010, 01:32:35 PM »
I live within an hour of Indianapolis so I definitely will be at this show.  The last time this big show was in Indianapolis, there were a lot of Ameraucana\'s in the show.  More than some of the other breeds that did have their Nationals there.  I was disappointed with how the Ameraucana\'s were judged with birds being placed at the top that didn\'t meet the minimum standard. (yellow/willow legs etc.).  If we have our National there, then we can have an input on who the judge is and perhaps get a more representative example of the breed up on champion row. I do think more judges are becoming familiar with the breed but there some ,who undoubtedly will be working this show, that would do an outstanding job if we can get them.
