Author Topic: websites with info about Ameraucana Chickens  (Read 3086 times)


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websites with info about Ameraucana Chickens
« on: March 10, 2010, 05:46:31 PM »

I recieved the following email today.  There are many sites out there with inacurate info on Ameraucanas.  If you have the time to check this one out and post a photo of a real Ameraucana and some correct information, please do.  Also, google other sites and help educate if time permits.
Hi - sorry for bothering you, but I’ve added an Ameraucana Chicken page to my website and was wondering if you might want to share your insights on the breed? We’re looking to gather owner/breeder thoughts on what makes them special, appealing etc..

RightPet is an educational site which allows individuals to rate the breeds/species of pets, livestock and working animals they\'ve owned, and recommend animal services/businesses they like. For example, for each chicken breed, owners can rate attributes like appearance; showing; commercial value; health/vigor etc.. They also give an “overall” rating. Breed-specific clubs and breeders are also listed for free – and please add any we’ve missed.

If you have a few minutes to share your thoughts on these, and any other chickens, I’m sure your opinions would be very helpful to other readers. Here’s the Ameraucana Chicken page -

Registration is required for ratings, but it is free, quick and doesn’t ask much.

Cheers, Brett Hodges
Founder / Editor


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websites with info about Ameraucana Chickens
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2010, 12:56:47 AM »
Hi John,

I got the same email.  Took a look at the site and sent the Owner/Founder an email.  I would have made a correction to the description and picture (have you seen the photo that is shown now?!) but it required registering for the site and I didn\'t want to do that.

I did however send a pretty detailed email and pointed out several misinformation items on the site including not only what was on the main page but that Murray McMurray is listed as a breeder for Ameraucanas.  

I suggested the best thing they could do is simply put a link to this site where folks can come for the straight scoop.

God Bless,


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websites with info about Ameraucana Chickens
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2010, 10:20:35 AM »
Quote from: Tailfeathers

I did however send a pretty detailed email and pointed out several misinformation items on the site including not only what was on the main page but that Murray McMurray is listed as a breeder for Ameraucanas.  

God Bless,

Speaking of hatcheries, My Pet Chicken has recently started listing it\'s Easter Egger chicks as Easter Eggers.  I couldn\'t believe my eyes!  

They are also offering B/B/S Ameraucana EGGS, which I have mixed feelings about, but they do differenciate between the two now and I think this is a good thing on their part, especially since none of the other hatcheries seem to care at all.  They also sell EE hatching eggs which are half the price as the Ameraucana eggs.

I\'m not buying by the way, lol!  I\'ll stick with reputable breeders from now on thanks very much, but had to mention it, as it\'s been a sore subject in the past.

Tailfeathers, thanks for taking the time to contact that site.  I hope they listen to your suggestions.


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websites with info about Ameraucana Chickens
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2010, 12:44:03 PM »
Speaking of hatcheries,

Sand Hill Preservation also has two prices for Ameraucanas.  Their better ones are more $.  I would have to go back and check thier site to see if they refer to the cheaper ones as Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers.
Cackle Hatchery has made progress too.  They sell Easter Egg Chickens and do not claim them to be Ameraucana or Araucana.
I\'m not endorsing any hatcheries...just want to recognize those that are getting closer to truth in advertising.