Author Topic: Animal Rights?  (Read 3497 times)


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Animal Rights?
« on: July 05, 2010, 07:03:20 PM »
From National Animal Interest Alliance

CNN poised to give animal rights radicals a platform
Dear John
It is time to educate CNN about the radical animal rights agenda and their dangerous promotion of it!

CNN is set to air a full hour special tonight called Jane\'s Fight for Animal Rights.  It features representatives from the hardcore animal rights fundraising groups, PETA, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), Sea Shepherd, In Defense of Animals, Farm Sanctuary, and Mercy for Animals -- not one of which represents mainstream values. It also includes cameo appearances from celebrity spokespeople for animal rights, Bob Barker, Pierce Brosnan, and others used to legitimize extremist views.

Media depends on ratings to stay on the air, so it\'s understandable that TV networks sometimes select groups whose media-grabbing antics and out-of-the-mainstream views makes them newsworthy, at least as representing a minority po int of view. What makes CNN\'s show so reprehensible is their lack of balance, their lack of providing people representing the majority view the opportunity to refute extremist claims with fact-based evidence.

The result is that CNN\'s show is providing radicals a platform to be seen as America\'s go-to resource when it comes to animal issues.  Thus, PETA, a group that has refused to condemn violence committed in the names of animals, HSUS, a group with a spokesperson who said his goal is the abolition of agriculture, and Sea Shepherd whose leader, Paul Watson was recently placed on Interpol\'s International Wanted List all get free publicity and the CNN bully pulpit.

It\'s vitally important that you tell CNN how you feel about their program and about the groups they\'ve selected to represent animal issues. CNN needs to understand that pandering to sensationalism not only hurts the people who actually care for animals, it hurts the animals themselves.&n bsp;Let\'s use this opportunity to educate CNN about the animal rights agenda and how it differs from true animal welfare.

Please click on the following link to write CNN:

Here are some resources you can use in composing your letter:
Quotes from animal rights leaders showing how radical they are
The animal rights agenda
Description of animal rights versus animal welfare
NAIA\'s value statement

Good luck! And if you\'re not already a member of NAIA, Join Today!

Patti Strand, national director NAIA

Birch Run Farm

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Animal Rights?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2010, 09:31:01 PM »
My chickens feel they have the right to scratch grain when ever they want.  


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Animal Rights?
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2010, 10:30:54 PM »
Thanks John, old territory with momentum....Be wary of any group that wishes to ban the ownership/comfort of ALL animals, pets, livestock, zoos etc. (yes, PETA). PETA has also been quoted to have hoped that the UK Mad Cow mess a few years ago would come here to the states so there would not be any animals left. ( The UK killed more than ruminants,also horses, chickens etc. most un-infected.)There are alot of bad animal caregivers out there and those who are kind and good get lost in the shuffle if they don\'t speak out too.

Your chickens may have the right but you may not.....I don\'t mean to sound serious, but they are...eliz

Beth C

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Animal Rights?
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2010, 08:20:02 AM »
PETA is an ugly word around here. They were caught a few counties over euthanizing animals in the back of a van and throwing them in dumpsters - animals that they obtained under false pretenses, promising, just hours earlier, that they would be placed for adoption, including HEALTHY kittens from a LOCAL VET, who was absolutely livid because he said he could have easily adopted them out himself, but felt safe releasing them to a \"rescue\" group. It went to trial, they brought in high $ attorneys & walked, but no one in Eastern NC will ever forget it...


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Animal Rights?
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2010, 10:16:45 AM »

Now there is a word that I didn\'t have a problem with for most of my life, but now when I hear it associated with an animal it gives me an uneasy feeling.

Beth C

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Animal Rights?
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2010, 11:00:57 AM »
Ditto. The term \"rescue\" often means \"give it to me free or I\'ll make your life miserable.\" Don\'t get me wrong, I know there are animals in genuine need. But, sadly, those are usually the ones who never get the help. (Recently more than a dozen horses were found dead on a local farm - everybody and their brother had been calling animal control for months.)


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Animal Rights?
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2010, 07:32:24 PM »
Since believing in 1st amendment rights ofen means supporting the rights of those you don\'t agree with, I guess I can\'t fault CNN for letting PETA spout.  I do wonder, though, if they have ever had on  any one/group that is the dead opposite of PETA (yes, I\'d disagree with those too)


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Animal Rights?
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2010, 11:53:33 AM »
Hello, the reason this CNN airing (please see Johns original message) was so important to scrutinize is because those organizations being represented in this program are not balanced in regards to animal/human rights and responsibilities.  Its not just PETA. eliz


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Animal Rights?
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2010, 12:28:10 AM »
I would imagine that y\'all are plenty happy that I don\'t have any time right now to spend on this!  LOL  Obviously you\'ve seen that I haven\'t been around for awhile.  Just saw something that reminded me I wanted to take a quick look at the Forum to see what\'s up.

All I will say on this subject is that it doesn\'t take a genius or rocket scientist to see that CNN has a very skewed perspective on their World View.  They talk about \"family values\" before they break for commercial that advertises some \"adult\" network.  The constantly run those stupid HSUS commercials with the sad looking puppy dogs and tear-jerking music in the background while begging you to send in your dollars to help \"save\" the animals.  What they forget to mention is that most of those animals will be put down & a lot of that money will be spent on other things.  They fail to mention that the Humane Society is the largest anti-hunting and anti-trapping organization in the country.  

Last night CNN had a special part of their broadcast devoted to all the dogs & cats that are being turned in by people in LA who can\'t afford to keep them anymore because they\'ve lost their jobs due to the oil spill.  They actually expect BP to give people money so they can feed their pets & keep them!  

And lastly, these kinds of efforts are nothing more than supposed \"good intentions\" by supposed \"well-meaning\" people that unfortunately believe animals should have all the same rights and privileges that a human being does.  You should have seen the absolute onslaught of vicious, vile, vulgar, and venomous attacks that people spewed on me just because I happened to say one time that animals were created after their own kind and humans were created in the image of God and that it does neither animals nor humans any good to personify animals and equate them to human beings.  

Ever sense Walt Disney created Bambi and personified animals, many people have attributed to animals the same emotions, feelings, intellect, and what-have-you that humans have.  

Thus we get specials like that on CNN...

God Bless,