Author Topic: alternative to wing clipping?  (Read 4802 times)

Beth C

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alternative to wing clipping?
« on: August 09, 2010, 10:20:30 AM »
Any suggestions on preventing a bird from flying in a way that it can still be shown?

Anne Foley

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alternative to wing clipping?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2010, 03:51:01 PM »
If you have the patience, here are a few thoughts that may help.  A dog (hopefully not a chicken eater!) or other animal roaming the area may deter birds from flying out of an enclosure.  Do not provide any solid perches on top of your fence and make sure the enclose is big enough to provide greens, shade and plenty of room to spread out.  I like to add pullets to a group of established hens that do not fly out.  By the way, wing clipping didn\'t work for me.  I found that large fowl Ameraucana will just climb and jump.  Interestingly, birds that I hatch and raise on my property are much better about \"staying in their place\" than birds that I have purchased.  Confine or sell the trouble makers quickly as they teach others.  Good Luck!

Beth C

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alternative to wing clipping?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2010, 12:12:57 PM »
Thanks - I\'m probably going to have to pen these fools back up. The runs themselves are covered, but in this intense heat & humidity (and with no one laying anyone) I figured they\'d fare better loose. The pasture fence (2X4 woven wire) keeps the ones w/trimmed wings contained, but I have a couple that I\'ve kicked around the idea of showing in the fall, so I didn\'t want to trim them. But I\'m debating which I want more - to show, or to stop hosing chicken poop off my front porch. >:-(


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alternative to wing clipping?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2010, 03:53:55 PM »
have to pen these fools back up

With the time and money I have invested in my birds I can\'t afford to let them out of pens without a tops on them.  I used to have nylon netting on some, but have switched to 2 by 4 welded wire.  The snow and leaves go thru easier.

Beth C

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alternative to wing clipping?
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2010, 09:26:39 AM »
It definitely makes me nervous, and, frankly, I was a bit embarrassed to admit I had to do it, but the pen situation just wasn\'t working, so they\'re loose until I can finish running the electric out to the pens and keep fans on them. Kicking myself for not already having it done - I need about a month of 8-day weeks, each w/48-hour days, to catch up on uncompleted projects...

Snow isn\'t much of a factor here, although it did snow one day last winter, but I still like the welded wire idea. I have the military variety camo leaf netting for shade, but the welded wire would help support it so it doesn\'t sag down so much.