Author Topic: How Broody are Ameraucanas?  (Read 6959 times)


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How Broody are Ameraucanas?
« on: November 15, 2005, 08:53:12 PM »
It\'s been a while since I\'ve been here. I have two Silver Ameraucana roosters; one silver pullet; and two wheaten pullets; as well as four Rhode Island Red hens Next year late winter/early spring, I want to hatch the Ameraucana eggs. The RIR eggs, I would just consume.

Are Ameraucanas sufficiently broody that if I leave 9 - 12 eggs in a nest box, the hens will start to set them; or should I just artificially incubate the eggs (If I go the latter route, I\'ll use a Hova-Bator with the turner).

Thanks in advance.



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How Broody are Ameraucanas?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2005, 07:19:09 PM »
Ameraucana\'s will brood. I would suggest leaving a few marked eggs in the nest until someone goes broody and then set eggs from the other hens under that hen. I have found if I leave 4-5 eggs for awhile someone generally goes broody. I currently have some broody hens that layed clutches of 8-10 eggs and then started to set.



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How Broody are Ameraucanas?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2005, 12:12:50 AM »
Hi Ron,
It really depends on how many chicks you plan to hatch in a season. If you only need a few or up to 60, letting your hens hatch them out is the way to go (IMO) considering the size of your flock. If you need to hatch out more than that, you may want to consider setting eggs in the bator, then possibly allowing your hens to set the last hatch of the year.

Dan Demarest


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How Broody are Ameraucanas?
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2005, 05:26:32 PM »
Dan, Bantam,

Thank you. I\'m glad that there\'s a great possibility I can just let nature take its course.

Regarding numbers...yes they would be well under 60. Mine is a small household flock. Ameraucanas are not easy to get, so I\'ll always want to breed at least a few a year. If I ended up with a large number, I\'d sell/give away the bulk of them.

Thanks again.
