Author Topic: 2010 APA SOP  (Read 3864 times)


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2010 APA SOP
« on: September 11, 2010, 12:59:18 AM »
Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven\'t been around much.  I just got an email from Mike and it reminded me that I haven\'t been here in a while so I decided to take a quick look-see.

I have a quick question.  Has anyone heard anything from the APA on whether the new Standard is out yet.  Their last newsletter indicated it would be by the end of August.  

I emailed Pat asking that I be notified ASAP as to when I can purchase my copy but I haven\'t heard anything back.

God Bless,

Mike Gilbert

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2010 APA SOP
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2010, 12:03:48 PM »
Royce, I have heard it will be out in November, but I don\'t think anybody knows for sure.  


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2010 APA SOP
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2010, 07:12:48 PM »
Thanks Mike.  I guess I\'ve waited this long so I can wait a little longer.  It is getting a bit frustrating though.  When I first contacted the APA about it, it was supposed to be out last winter, then it was this Spring, now the APA said in their last newsletter that it would be August.

This is worse than being told \"The check is in the mail.\"

God Bless,


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2010 APA SOP
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2010, 08:14:37 PM »
Mine is from 1998 and I\'m hoping for a new updated one.
I was surprised by the many mistakes in the one I have and here again I\'m hoping they do a better job of proofing this time.


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2010 APA SOP
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2010, 11:45:12 PM »
Hi John,

I too was surprised by the many mistakes in the 1998 and 2001 Standards.  If I remember right the Barnevelder and Welsummer Standards were transposed in the 2001 edition.  I know there was some other mistakes but I can\'t remember them now.

Anyways, from what I\'ve read this Standard has gone thru many \"proofs\".  I sure hope after all this time that they\'ve got their act together.  If this one comes out with a bunch of mistakes like previous ones, I will not only be extremely disappointed, but it will also in my mind be a powerful statement on what I think we can expect from the APA in the future.

Btw, how\'s your health now?  Hope all is well.

God Bless,


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2010 APA SOP
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2010, 05:37:56 PM »
Long story short... I received an email from Sam Brush today of which part of it follows:

The APA 2010 Standard (as you will read in the News & Views soon if you haven’t already received it) has proven to be a very frustrating project to finish off.  The printer is now going on the 7th proof, with earlier versions getting corrections made but then seemingly generating new ones that were caught on subsequent sets.  And these are not insignificant things like spelling errors or typos.  One recent version had several illustrations dropped when they inserted some of the new illustrations, and we were lucky we caught those.  The creation of proof sets with corrections has not been the quickest service from our printer either, but we are so deep into the process with them at this point that we can’t simply stop and go with another printer without creating a delay until spring.  The printer is still saying that if we can get a proof approved within this coming week that they can have at least some copies printed and bound for us to distribute in late November.  I’m pretty skeptical, but that is where we are.