Author Topic: Old ABC Bulletins are available  (Read 3139 times)


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Old ABC Bulletins are available
« on: December 01, 2005, 05:50:29 PM »
I\'ve finally started making copies of more old ABC Bulletins.  As many know I made 10 copies of the Bulletins from the first six years, 1979-1984, and sold them for $30 each with the money going to the club.  3 of those, in loose leaf notebooks, are still available.
I am now offering copies (stapled) from two five year periods (Just in time for Christmas!).  1985 - 1989 and 1990 - 1995, for $25 each including postage.  Such a deal, eh?  Once again the profits go to the club and only 12 of each will be sold.  Note these are not complete sets, because I haven\'t been able to find some of the Bulletins from those years.  
PLEASE contact me if you have access to any of the following ABC Bulletins: 1985 #2, 1986 Winter pages 1 & 2, 1987 #1, 1991 #1 & #4, 1992 #2 & #3.  I will offer a FREE set of these Bulletins to anyone that can supply the missing Bulletins.
Thanks to Mike Gilbert, Jeanette Frank & Koralyn Kibbee for loaning their Bulletins to me for this project.


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Old ABC Bulletins are available
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2005, 06:10:59 PM »
I haven\'t heard from anyone that is interested in buying sets of the old Bulletins.  This project is taking many hours and there are printing costs involved.  To cut down on some of the labor and printing costs and maybe make the Bulletins more attractive by offering them at a lower price I\'ve come up with a new deal...Bulletins from 1985 through 1993 for $35, which still includes shipping.  If we can sell all 12 sets at this price we will be able to cover the costs of printing & shipping and still make some money for the club.
This is not a plea for you to buy, but there is a lot of history in these Bulletins and that translates into knowledge for the breeders of Ameraucana chickens (if that doesn\'t get you to buy remember it benefits the club).


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Old ABC Bulletins are available
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2005, 09:39:10 PM »
I put the sets on my Christmas list . . . so you may here from someone I am related to . . . if not, I will be purchasing a set.
