Author Topic: Misrepresentation  (Read 3726 times)


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« on: February 05, 2011, 10:27:35 AM »
William Morrow\'s line

Just a word of caution...if they are being purchased from William they are from his line, but if they are purchased from someone else they are that person\'s line.
Even if all the breeding birds came from one source the hatching eggs and chicks produced are from matings determined by the owner.  That person may be breeding from birds that would have not been used by William.
It is fine for someone to give credit and say they obtained thier birds from so and so, but often it sounds like they are implying the offspring they are selling are the line or strain of someone else.  
IMHO, if you determine which of your birds to use to breed from and determine which ones to mate together the results are from your breeding and are your line/strain.
For more on the subject go back to this old topic...

Cloverleaf Farm

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« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2011, 12:39:51 PM »
There\'s even an ebay auction running right now that specifies they are \"show quality Ameraucanas, NOT Easter Eggers\"...they ARE Easter Eggers, and the only pics of TRUE Ameraucanas are pics taken from another site...


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« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 12:45:54 PM »
pics taken from another site...

I know a few years ago someone was using a photo of Barbara\'s silver LF without permission.  That word \"misrepresentation\" comes back to mind.  What some won\'t do to make a buck...and it\'s not just the BIG commercial hatcheries.

Beth C

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« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2011, 01:58:26 PM »
E-Bay is scary - there is an ad for \"pure Ameraucanas\" \"quality stock from a breeder out in Arkansas\" that shows a gold-duckwing frizzle w/wattles. Another ad shows roosters in non-standard (but admittedly, er, unique) colors and calls them \"pure.\" Another touts big muffs and shows pretty eggs but describes the hens as \"various colors.\" The one I find most disturbing says \"from great lines\" (but some lay \"golden-brown\" eggs) and shows a picture of something that resembles a wheaten with bright blue legs not found in nature - hope it\'s photo-shopping & not PAINT. Not to say all E-Bay sellers are bad - Wayne Meredith sells on there, so do several other Ameraucana breeders, but E-Bay is definitely buyer beware - no matter how many people report ads like these (and I do on principle, even though I know it\'s futile), E-Bay refuses to do anything about it. One person was using the LF BW cock pic from this site, and representing it as the actual bird they were breeding, but E-Bay still refused to either pull the ad or make them remove the picture.

Beth C

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« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2011, 02:22:19 PM »
Would it be inappropriate to start a \"Worst of E-Bay Gallery?\"  :p


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« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2011, 04:12:20 PM »
Hey, I did not start this thread, not sure why it shows up that way.
I appreciate John clarifying the topic but please don\'t smear me in the process, I am just trying to learn my way around, no harm intended. Will gracefully bow out now....


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« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2011, 06:39:09 PM »
but please don\'t smear me in the process

I\'m lost.  What do you mean?  I did split a topic and brought the posts that relate to thread over here, but don\'t know of anyone that that has said anything negative about anyone here.  Please let me know either here or by email.

Beth C

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« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2011, 09:49:00 AM »
Amanda: I\'m sure no one meant to offend you, I know I certainly didn\'t and if I did I apologize. Nothing was directed at you. We\'ve all seen so many bad ads that when you mentioned how the seller had represented these birds it touched off a conversation about misrepresentation. (And, as a side note, if you purchased from who I think you did, they are not one of the \"bad E-Bayers,\" I think they were just trying to show their stock came from a legitimate source). \"Misrepresentation\" kind of became a topic w/in a topic & John split them. But since you started the original thread, the new thread created from it still shows you as the creator. I noticed a thread the other day that showed me as the creator, even though I didn\'t have any posts in it, but it was split off of one I created.