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Apr 30, 2013 at 5:53pm .Post by danhonour on Apr 30, 2013 at 5:53pmHONOUR’S POULTRY BOOKSBy Danne J. Honour 2013I have updated my poultry books for 2013. I should say e-books as they are now too many pages to print on paper.So they are available on CD’s as word file docx format.These are greatly expanded editions with pictures and additional text. They contain great poultry history and breeding advice by the masters as well as fine illustrations. Much of the information I have gathered from my own poultry library collection, some I have written, but fear it may be lost if I do not make it available to those interested . For a very limited time I will be selling these on CD –all 4 e-books for $50 plus $5 shipping. (Checks or Money Orders) Dan Honour,8 Old North Road,Apt. A , Amenia ,New York 12501 .AMERICAN BREEDS OF SPANISH ANCESTRY 2013 , 1348 pages , many devoted to Minorcas.BUFF COLORATION 2013 1126 pages ,all about buff color breeding in chickens.ART OF BREEDING 2013 ,608 pages,many good general ,showing and breeding articles.Wonderful articles on Anconas,Dark Brown Leghorns , Long tailed fowls,and much more.THOUGHTS ON WHITE LEGHORNS 2013 ,229 pages just on the popular White Leghorn ,more towards the exhibition side than commercial, but some good practical information .
Mike,Maybe you got a special promotional copy! I have contemplated spending the $, but haven't talked myself into yet. Maybe you'll let me read thru yours this fall when we get together.