Author Topic: Tiny eggs update - DD\'s pullet dying - is this related? Please help.  (Read 2459 times)

Providence Hill

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I posted a week or two ago about the \"incredible shrinking eggs\" in my DD\'s bantam Ameraucana coop.  I felt much better after reading the posts, but then we found yet another tiny robin\'s egg and I started to wonder if there was a problem.  Since the 2 blacks lay bluer eggs than the wheatens I figured one of the blacks must be laying them.  Today my daughter found one of her black birds laying fluffed up and lethargic, tail down, head drooping.   My immediate thought was that this was the tiny egg layer and she must be eggbound or have some other problem with her \"egg machinery\".  I felt her abdomen and I don\'t feel a mass, but we massaged her tummy in a warm bath for a while and I\'m keeping her warm and quiet.  She is now still alive, but unresponsive, and there is mucus coming from her beak.  I don\'t expect her to live much longer.  Does this sound like an egg problem to you?  The other birds in the coop seem fine, although I\'m going to keep a very close eye on them.  My daughter\'s only 8 and while she\'s a trooper it\'s always hard on her to lose a bird, and \"Lucy\" is one of her show flock.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Mike Gilbert

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Tiny eggs update - DD\'s pullet dying - is this related? Please help.
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2011, 11:03:09 AM »
Have you checked for a physical injury?  The symptoms sound like she could be in pain.   I doubt it is related to the peanut eggs.   Could she be infested with mites?  Check around her vent and stern.

Providence Hill

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Tiny eggs update - DD\'s pullet dying - is this related? Please help.
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2011, 11:12:16 AM »
No, no mites or injury.  No evidence of bloody diarrhea either. Her vent was pulsing a bit but she physically looks fine (no evident injury). I did not see her walk though. Her legs were splayed to either side but I think it\'s just because she\'s so far gone and too weak to stand.  I don\'t see any neurological symptoms.  When she roused herself her eyes were bright.