The Official Forum of the Ameraucana Breeders Club > Housing, Health & Hatching

Hot weather and stress on chickens

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??What??  :p

I\'m hoping to ship our last hatch of 2011 next Wednesday, June 15.  We have been in the mid to upper 90\'s for several days with no rain.  I know the PO won\'t accept any older birds but the chicks may still be shipped.  After all-they hatch at 99.5ยบ!  I had rather see it hot than cold.  I\'m almost thawed out from last Feb.  A few 100 + days and I think I\'ll be back to normal after the great freeze of 2011.

Mike Gilbert:

--- Quote from: Jean ---??What??  :p
--- End quote ---

It is currently 55 degrees here this morning.  I had to turn the brooder lights back on.  The forecast is for a high of 72 today and a high of 62 tomorrow with rain.   A-h-h-h.  


--- Quote ---the chicks may still be shipped
--- End quote ---

The 10 to 85 degree limit (except for fish) is the rule for Delta airlines and most of my chicks go on thier planes.  I don\'t know of a temperature range that the post office mandates and that leaves a lot to the discretion of the clerks.
Hope you\'re having better results filling orders this year than I have.


--- Quote from: John ---The heat has hurt my ability to ship chicks the last two weeks.  The temp has to be between 10 and 85 degrees to ship, but that has been exceeded and chicks are being raised in my brooders that were meant to go to customers.
There is just no way that I can fill many more of the orders for chicks that I have this year.  Some customers have agreed to move thier orders to next year and I\'ve already received my first order for the 2012 hatching season.
Next year I\'ll go back to not hatching in June...just too hot.  
The birds here are doing well with the heat wave.  Fresh cold water, shade and exhaust fans do the trick.  I\'m sure happy we live in mid Michigan where the climate is quite moderate.
--- End quote ---

Sending you an email; we may be able to help each other.  ;)


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