The Official Forum of the Ameraucana Breeders Club > Housing, Health & Hatching

Hot weather and stress on chickens

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Beth C:

--- Quote from: Mike Gilbert ---

It is currently 55 degrees here this morning.  I had to turn the brooder lights back on.  The forecast is for a high of 72 today and a high of 62 tomorrow with rain.   A-h-h-h.  
--- End quote ---

...and Mike gets a rasberry, too. Still mid to upper 90\'s, can\'t remember the last time it rained. If we don\'t get some soon I\'ll be buying hay by July.  :o

I checked with our regional PO on Thursday.  They are still accepting chicks.  We were so far behind on our orders that I turned several away about 6 weeks ago.  Our last hatch only has three orders booked and we can accept a few more.  Otherwise we are caught-up and soon can start again on 2012 chick orders.

We are very fortunate to be only 65 miles North of Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport.  We can send them anywhere in the US within 2 days delivery time.

Hi Everyone:

I shipped my last two orders on tuesday. It was 97 here.
One went to Minnesota and one went to New York. The Minnesota one caught the cool down, but the new York one followed the heat. Both orders held 30 chicks and all arrived, the moring of the second day,  with no losses. I had no choice but to ship, as I have no more room for chicks and would have had to destroy them if they didn\'t go. I guess I was lucky.

Beth C:
Paul: For some reason I was thinking you were further south. How far are you from Weatherford? I spent a summer there (well, actually Peaster) for farrier school - you haven\'t lived \'til you\'ve run a coal forge in this heat! ;)

evening folks,
as you can see we are still having this heat wave, weather channel says 2 more weeks of it.
Drilled a hole and it is 14 inches before you hit any mosture.
all my grass is dying. I don\'t think I have ever seen it this dry here.


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