Author Topic: Fowl Fest  (Read 2954 times)


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Fowl Fest
« on: October 10, 2011, 07:39:44 AM »
The weather was fantastic for the Fall Fowl Fest in Birch Run Michigan this past weekend.  I enjoyed the show so much that I didn\'t take any photos or write a show report of the winners.  No Ameraucanas made it to Championship Row, but Jeanne Trent won BB on a bantam wheaten pullet and RB on a bantam wheaten cockerel.  I had BB on a LF silver pullet and I think (but not sure) John Hammar, a junior, won RB on a LF blue wheaten cockerel.  There were about 15 Ameraucana LF and 15 to 20 bantams entered.  The champion results are posted on the Fowl Fest site.

Mike Gilbert

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Fowl Fest
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 09:20:17 AM »
Congratulations to Jeanne Trent and John Blehm for some nice wins at Michigan\'s Fowl Fest over the weekend.   Jeanne had BB and RB Ameraucana bantams on wheatens acquired from John Blehm, a pullet and cockerel, and John had some really nice buff bantams entered.   Anyone wanting buff bantams should place an order with John, as they are far better than anything I raised this year.   There was also an exceptional bantam lavender hen or pullet in the show; I had never seen one so even in color and without the tiny dark specks or any hint of brassiness/gold.   I didn\'t know the owner, but it is out of birds acquired from John.  In the large fowl, John had the top bird with a silver pullet.    I had never seen one with so little shafting, and she also had much improved size and type.   Looking over the large silvers at John\'s place, it appears there are more silvers quite similar to the winner.   If they were my hens I would breed from them for at least two or three years, breeding them back to their own sons, to set that shafting improvement in the strain.  Again,  anyone interested in large silvers should know where to order chicks.    


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Fowl Fest
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2011, 04:41:09 PM »
There was also an exceptional bantam lavender hen or pullet in the show; I had never seen one so even in color and without the tiny dark specks or any hint of brassiness/gold. I didn\'t know the owner, but it is out of birds acquired from John.

Candy Prince, near Cadillac, Michigan bred and exhibited that pullet.  She is an ABC member and registered on the forum, but I don\'t think she posts here.  Some of us thought the bird may have placed higher if lavender was recognized.  Candy\'s pair of lavenders beat my pair.

Mike\'s bantam buffs generally win, but since we were on home tuff my pair did top his pair this time.  His Brewers won while he was here, so that made him happy. :D

The judge disqualified my pair of LF buffs due to thier shanks being too light!  This was a new one on me, but that\'s the way it goes.  I guess I washed too much dirt off of them. :o


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Fowl Fest
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2011, 01:09:09 PM »
Quote from: John
The weather was fantastic for the Fall Fowl Fest in Birch Run Michigan this past weekend.  I enjoyed the show so much that I didn\'t take any photos or write a show report of the winners.  No Ameraucanas made it to Championship Row, but Jeanne Trent won BB on a bantam wheaten pullet and RB on a bantam wheaten cockerel.  I had BB on a LF silver pullet and I think (but not sure) John Hammar, a junior, won RB on a LF blue wheaten cockerel.  There were about 15 Ameraucana LF and 15 to 20 bantams entered.  The champion results are posted on the Fowl Fest site.

Are there any pics of the winners?  I looked but the one link that looked like it would have it didn\'t have any pictures.
Hubby rues the day he brought the chicks home...