I recently took back one of my Lav\'s I sold to a lady because it ended up being a cockerel and she lives w/in city limits and can\'t have males. Anyways, this guy has an odd coloring in his feathers. He\'s a lavender and he\'s got what I would call peach or salmon coloring in some of his feathers. Most of the odd coloring feathers are on his chest. I realize he would/is a bird to cull. But am wondering if any of you others that raise the Lav\'s have you seen this coloring at all in your birds? I will try to post a pic. later on.
I was reading another post on here about the Lav. Isabelle project color someone is working on and looked at the pics she posted of her cockerel. And from looking at her pics and the color of her bird they look very similar. Anyone else\'s thoughts on this?
Secondly what is the best way to sex chicks under 12 weeks of age? I don\'t know how to vent sex otherwise I would. Does one just have to wait until they are older to sex? Are there distinct difference at a young age to tell the males from females? If so what difference could you tell at this age?
I have 7 chicks that are about 8-10 weeks old. 3 or 4 of the 7 have good tails coming in while the remainder of them have what I would consider non existent tail feathers right now. Now, 2 of my older birds that I have when they were chicks they had this same non existent tail feathering and both turned out to be males. Is this common for the male birds to have little to no tail feathers while the females tails feather in more quickly? It\'s just killing me not knowing what I\'ve got male and female wise w/ these chicks. Because males eventually get the spurs at this young of an age could you tell if they have a little nub where the spur come in safely say one has a male or is that not a good way to tell?