Thank you Paul, for a great comprehensive report. Thanks to John for posting photos. Correct me if I\'m wrong, but didn\'t Jensen\'s black large fowl make it to Champion Row? If that is correct, that is quite an accomplishment for this size of a show, as there were a LOT of AOSB\'s. Ameraucanas ranked number 7 in terms of total numbers among the 35 chicken breed clubs holding a national meet. I\'m very pleased with the 3rd best showing of that Brown Red large fowl cock of Jim\'s, as it is the only variety of Ameraucana large fowl I have been working with for a number of years. He had that bird in great condition. Also very pleased with the BB black bantam cock bird in the junior show shown by Gabby Dingman, as she had purchased that bird along with two pullets at Red Stag Acres last spring, and has already raised and won at other shows with their progeny. They are also taking their birds to the Ohio National.