Author Topic: Broody or ?  (Read 9250 times)


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Broody or ?
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2012, 01:39:53 PM »
Quote from: Beth C
I am so sorry - I know what that feels like. I\'ll spare you the details but my next to last hatch went horribly wrong. I\'m glad I didn\'t end the season on that one. I can\'t say for sure why they\'re dying, but I think sometimes when a hatch goes wrong they struggle too much and they just succumb to the stress. Small consolation, but I doubt there was anything you could have done differently - the timing of the power outage was just plain lousy luck. I hope the worst is over and the remaining ones thrive... ((hugs))

Well, had another one die last night. Someone came and picked up 2 last night. Waiting to her if they survived. I have 2 left, and one doesn\'t look so hot either.

I thought maybe it was marek\'s but someone w/ more experience said no couldn\'t be that.

Also, I met some that bought some eggs from me about a week ago and about a week and a half to 2 weeks ago he was hatching chicks and the same thing happened to him. Chicks made it out of shells, made it to brooder and started dying. He had 45 die on him. Only thing I can think of is there is some type of virus in the air. But my other chicks which are silkies which hatched under a broody are doing perfectly fine, so not sure.

Mike Gilbert

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Broody or ?
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2012, 02:43:21 PM »
Kim, I don\'t think anyone can say for sure what the problem is, but here is one possibility.   If incubation is not just right, chicks can hatch with unhealed navels.   If there is bacteria or other germs in that warm, moist environment they are hatched in, they can get an infection in the unhealed area, and that spreads into their systems.  It can take anywhere from a day to a week to finish killing them.   If they make it through the first week and then die it will be from something else.  I don\'t believe Marek\'s would have that kind of effect on newly hatched chicks.  Try disinfecting the hatching tray thoroughly before the next hatch, and see if it doesn\'t make a difference.


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Broody or ?
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2012, 02:58:07 PM »
When chicks die, I would immediately think mycoplasma or pullorum.

I would send some of them in for necropsy.

Mike Gilbert

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Broody or ?
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2012, 03:33:11 PM »
Jean, could you elaborate?   I have not heard of either of those potential causes killing day-olds.   Source?  Experience?


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Broody or ?
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2012, 05:57:54 PM »
Quote from: Jean
When chicks die, I would immediately think mycoplasma or pullorum.

I would send some of them in for necropsy.

Just so you know I had other chicks non Ameraucana\'s and they were shipped eggs under broodies hatching and they are all doing fine. Perhaps I had some bacteria or something going on in my incubator? I don\'t know? I had one lone Ameraucana chick that hatched a week before these guys under a broody and it is doing fine as well. So could it be the mycoplasma or pullorum or could it have been something going on inside my incubator?