Author Topic: For The Photography Buffs  (Read 2359 times)


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For The Photography Buffs
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:13:37 PM »
For the information of All Hands:  Anyone looking to buy a late Christmas present for themselves or someone else in the form of photography gear, I may have some helpful info for you.  

I just spent about 6 months researching cameras, lenses, flashes, you-name-it to take me from film to digitial.  In doing so I came across some excellent sites which allow you to do a side-by-side comparison of various brands/models and see the similarities/differences according to each of the various specs.  There were also sites that provided indepth reviews on same.  I also looked at a half dozen to maybe a dozen different sites to purchase from.  

Even though I still wound up spending over three grand for everything, I could have easily spent another $1500-2000 for the same stuff if I hadn\'t taken the time to research everything like I did.  So I\'m offering to pass on what I learned to anyone who might be in need of such info.  If interested, email me as I may not see your request on here.

Btw, now that I have my new camera, I plan to start a photo album consisting of a weekly pic for male and female from Day Old thru 1-year of age.  I\'ll try to ID them by feather-sexing them but since I won\'t be able to distinguish males from females with any certainty because I only breed the WBS, I\'ll just have to ID the males from females as soon as I can.  

I also plan to build a new website where I\'ll put these photos so all can see them when they have a question about what their bird should look like at a given age.  I\'d be happy to given them to the ABC if they\'d like to post them on the website somewhere.

God Bless,

Beth C

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For The Photography Buffs
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2011, 10:09:27 AM »
I think that\'s great idea - I know it\'s hard to do an example of a \"good\" juvenile like we do the chicks & adults, but I\'d love to have pictures of each variety at various stages of development. Last year someone contacted me about a bird they purchased from a \"breeder.\" It looked like a typical EE to me but the \"breeder\" insisted it just had juvenile plumage. It would have been nice to point to a picture of (what they were claiming it was) at the same stage of growth...

Oh, and just for laughs, I read the title as \"For the Photography of Buffs\" and thought you were going to give me tips on getting good pics of my birds...  :p