Thanks Green E&H for the post. While I don\'t live in MI, I know full well that what happens in one state often follows in others pretty quickly.
John\'s sarcasm would be funny if it weren\'t so doggone true - though I still chuckled nonetheless.
As a 20-year Vet who proudly served this country I find myself shaking my head more and more and wondering what country I live in these days. Just this week I\'ve seen an email saying that Prez Obama signed some Executive Order that could put us all in a police state under maritial law whereby the Gov\'t could come in and confiscate my chickens because they are a \"food source\".
Then there was the email about \"Military cadets are celebrating gay pride week at the nation’s oldest private military academy by holding a “Queer Prom” and a “Condom Olympics” and I won\'t even tell you what all that described as being done.
Then there is the redefinition of marriage in this state and many others.
And even this very day we have the Supreme Court trying to decide whether the Federal Government can mandate health care coverage and tell every citizen what they must or must not buy.
I could go on and on but I\'m beginning to feel like one of those folks who just wants to run to the mountains and be left alone!
Oh, before I go, I have a solution to the feral hog problem. It\'s called \"Year \'Round Season, no license required, and no limits on harvest.\" Anybody for a good BBQ?

God Bless,