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I bought the 4, 5, & 6. That will get you through the first month which gives me plenty of time to decide which ones I want to keep or sell.
I got the colored rubber bands that Sharon recomended and I love them. Easy to put on and take off. The small size is good for day olds for a couple weeks then I swithched to the next size. Non came off by themself. Down side, If left on to long they could cut off circulation. Gets the chicks old enough for bands or quick ties.
Colored rubber bands- now that\'s a good idea. I\'ll have to try that along with toe-punching on my batch that is due to hatch this weekend. I have some LF silvers from Russ that came as shipped eggs. They must have benefited from gentle handling through the Post Office because so far they\'ve all showed development. Of course, I must resist the temptation to count them before they hatch :-)