Lol, Don, I haven\'t looked lately - is it full yet?
Folks will try to make pets of all sorts of animals.
Have you seen this one: have heard of the house chicken thing, but never known anyone to actually do it, although I jokingly mentioned the diapers to a friend who has bought several birds from me (her birds live better than I do, but they still live
outdoors.) They seem to be based on the
FlightSuit. I have one of these for my Quaker and it works well for keeping poop off of you while carrying him around, but they aren\'t designed to be worn all the time, plus chickens poop considerably more than parrots. I can see how one might pull it off with, say, an OEGB, but keeping a LF chicken in the house just doesn\'t seem practical. If she is truly serious, tell her to do some googling, check out BYC - they\'d likely have a thread for that - and give it a try. I suspect they will be back outside in short order...