Author Topic: Chicks FOR SALE today only  (Read 9501 times)


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Chicks FOR SALE today only
« on: April 17, 2012, 01:37:50 PM »
I have enough extra bantam chicks to fill a box of 25, but I need to ship them in a couple hours!
Mostly lavender, with a few silvers.
First let me know if you want them and then use PayPal and send $85 to by 3 eastern time.  First come, first serve.  I also need your address and two phone numbers for the post office to contact you.


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Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2012, 06:43:13 PM »
Those chicks did go out in today\'s mail, but I should have more like that available in the coming weeks.  Let me know if you are interested.



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Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2012, 09:26:22 PM »
Just want to say thank\'s John, all arrived alive and well. Definitely got well over $85 worth of chick\'s. Anybody looking for lavender or silver bantam\'s shouldn\'t pass this deal up. I know I got a real nice looking batch of chick\'s and am extremely happy  :p  


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Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2012, 07:34:11 PM »
Hey Russ,
 Hope that new building is coming along well!! Sounds like you will need the space sooner rather then later!!!
 :p : ;) :p ;) :p ;) :p ;) :p ;)

Christie Rhae

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Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2012, 08:02:04 PM »
How\'s the orders going John?   No rush, just pining away for some chicks from you.   :)


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Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2012, 08:59:27 PM »
Oh...I thought of you again today as I was counting the chicks that hatched and figuring out which orders I could fill with them.  Your order form is on one of the clip boards in the hatchery along with several others.  None are heading to the big island this week. :(
4 boxes were shipped though.  They went to FL, CO, KY & WI.  One of those orders was from 2011.  
I had to include partial refund checks with a couple orders today, since enough \"good\" chicks didn\'t hatch to fill the orders as ordered.
Most of the LF lavender chicks had feathers on their shanks, so there were only 5 to ship and many orders wanting 10 or more.
I\'m getting emails from time to time from customers wanting to know when their chicks are coming, but I don\'t have the answers they want to hear.  
I should ship chicks for the next 4 Tuesdays.  Any orders that don\'t get filled will be on the list for 2013 or receive a full refund.  :)

Christie Rhae

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Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2012, 10:57:07 PM »
Refund?? *gasp*sputter*panic***
email coming your way.. ;)


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Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2012, 04:00:41 PM »
That first post brought in 3 orders, but the bantams for the next 3 hatches aren\'t spoken for so email me if interested.  


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Re: Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2012, 09:11:12 PM »
The order form for 2013 chicks as now available on my Chick Hatchery site.
If interested, please don't wait until 2013 to order.

Christie Rhae

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Re: Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2012, 01:04:33 PM »
I don't see wheaten chicks on your order form?  Are you not hatching them this year?


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Re: Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2012, 01:48:09 PM »
wheaten chicks on your order form?
They are history...almost.  I'm dropping them, but still have a young trio that I might show and sell this fall.  I've been trying to drop at least variety each year for the past few years and each time I do someone says that was the one they wanted.  The LF wheatens were one of the more popular varieties with my customers, but I'm sticking with my favorites. 
I've wanted to drop the LF blacks, but end up keeping them because I like using them in breeding projects with some of the other varieties.
Someday I'll have to get serious about cutting back on birds. ;)

Christie Rhae

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Re: Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2012, 11:13:38 PM »
Well then I am super stoked to get the ones I got from you this year.  They are so cute.  I think I have three cockerels.  One is very dark and looks like a bald eagle.  lol  The other two are definitely boys but a little lighter so far.  And that leaves 4 girls.  From these I should be able to build up my flock.  I also have a blue wheaten hen that came from Denise at Paradise farms.   The chick I hatched from Denise is super duper friendly.  I just assumed it was because she was an only chick for 2 weeks and we held her a lot but  the wheatens I got from you are super friendly too.  And I did not handle them really much at all except to move pens.  They crack me up. I can barely get into the pen cuz they are right there at the door under my feet.   Maybe it is a characteristic of the variety.

I am trying to keep a limit on the colors I am raising.  Of course I am tempted to get them all but Wheaten, black and laced blue project are the only ameraucana colors that I am going to work on for the next few years.



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Re: Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2013, 09:26:19 AM »
John, can I paypal you for a LF Ameraucana chick order or do I have to go to the library and print out the form and mail it. I'd like to get in line for this year's hatch since I only ended up with 3 Buff from last year's split order with my friend from you?

I really really really would like some of your blacks LF Amer to mate up with Paul's and you can do LF Amer for the rest of 25.

I suppose you are all filled up again, I'm just getting back on track with the chickens after getting hubby home for hospice care.

Thanks and if your blacks are gone who can I get a couple of your blacks from for breeding to Paul's? I'm 1 hour south of Toledo, OH


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Re: Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2013, 09:49:54 AM »
I'm "sold out" of some varieties and as some orders are still coming in I'll be sold out of more soon.
All the details and the order form are on the Chicks page of my Chick Hatchery site.


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Re: Chicks FOR SALE today only
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2013, 11:46:58 AM »
Got the form printed out on my ancient 'puter. Chose LF Amer Assortment to give me a chance of getting some Black and a couple of more Buffs and put as a comment that you can fill the assortment unevenly, so not expecting the same number of chicks of all those assorted color. Just trying to accomodate my needs with your availability to fill the order.

I hope that works. I will let you know if my home address changes before the end of May. Now to go clean out the brooder... ;)