Author Topic: Vol State Show Events  (Read 3178 times)


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Vol State Show Events
« on: April 28, 2012, 06:16:39 PM »
Our black Ameraucana cockerel from Paul & Angela Smith was Reserve Class Champion today at the show! We are thrilled with that placement!!!! Two of the six total LF Ameraucana entry were Easter Eggers....One was a \"Lemon Blue\" hen entered as Blue Wheaten, the other was a Buff-ish swirly colored cock entered as Wheaten.....Both were DQ\'d....The owner was very unhappy and took it out on me, my husband and everyone else in arms length....I eventually got her over to the secretaries table to the APA Standards book and we read over our standard and the descriptions of wheaten and blue wheaten..... She was slightly calmer......I did my very best to stay cool and calm as she berated us about why her birds were DQ\'d......I am not a cool and calm person by nature, and being politically correct also escapes me on most occasions...
I am quite positive many of you have been handling a similar situation to this for years----How do you do it??

Beth C

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Vol State Show Events
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2012, 07:57:01 PM »
Ugh! Congrats on your cockerel! I am so sorry a poor sport had to put a damper on things. I\'ve never encountered anything that bad, although there was a woman last year who wasn\'t very nice after my birds placed over hers. I tried to introduce myself and she just blew me off & walked away. I\'m not sure how I\'d handle it if I encountered one like you did, but I doubt I would have been as nice. I\'d probably have told her I didn\'t judge the class, go take it up with them. She shows her behind like that too many times I suspect it\'s not going to matter much what she enters...


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Vol State Show Events
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2012, 08:54:52 PM »
Both were DQ\'d

The judge did his/her job.  Too ofter they don\'t do what they are paid to do, because they are afraid of hurting some one\'s feelings.  Education is the key and feelings shouldn\'t enter it to it with any professional adult.
Congratulations on both your win and trying to educate without belittling.


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Vol State Show Events
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2012, 09:48:31 PM »
Quote from: John
Both were DQ\'d

Congratulations on both your win and trying to educate without belittling.

I tried to put a positive spin on it....But, it took all I had in me!!

and Thank You!