Author Topic: Pink-ish egg found today  (Read 3189 times)


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Pink-ish egg found today
« on: January 15, 2006, 10:51:14 AM »
I just moved to the country in October 2005 and got 6 EE hens and a EE cock.  I\'ve been getting 1-3 blue and blue-green eggs a day, but this morning I got a smaller-than-others pink egg!  I have been reading this forum since getting these friendly birds and have compared them to the standards.  All have white beaks, blueish feet, short to long tuffs and beards, peacombs, and red earlobes.  One girl has earlobes that are half white though.

Is the pink egg a normal occurance in this breed? Also, do these chickens lay the same color all the time or will their color change due to diet or weather?

Thanks for a very informative forum!



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Pink-ish egg found today
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2006, 10:49:53 AM »

I have never change egg shell color. One of your hens simply does not lay a green or blue shelled egg because she does not have the necessary genes. You will see some shift in color as a laying period goes on - usually the shell color becomes lighter over time.



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Pink-ish egg found today
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2006, 12:52:02 PM »
Thanks!  Guess I won\'t be hatching out any of the pink ones then (if I get any more of them)



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Pink-ish egg found today
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2006, 12:36:36 PM »

Folks think it is funny that we have one hen that lays pink eggs, but really get confused when they find out it isn\'t from an ameraucana at all, it is from our \"pitt game\" hen
She will be 6 years old next month, don\'t know how much older she will get, but we certainly enjoy her.
I think her \"pink\" eggs come from crossing a white egg layer with a light brown egg layer. She has red earlobes,