Author Topic: Sedalia  (Read 19303 times)

Mike Gilbert

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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #30 on: October 23, 2012, 10:08:23 AM »
I will be shopping at Sedalia for a large fowl black cockerel for a Wisconsin family, so if you have a good one for sale, please bring it along.   This family already has winning birds, so the one I am looking for needs to be something special.    Please post here or give me an email if you believe you have a good one available.
They are willing to pay a fair price for a quality bird.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 04:39:25 PM by Mike Gilbert »

Mike Gilbert

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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2012, 05:58:57 PM »
Okay, here is some bad news from Wisconsin.   Bob Walchak's sister-in-law (Teresa's sister) passed away this morning.   The funeral is this Friday, the day they had planned for travel to Sedalia.   So they are not going to make it this year, and they will be missed.   We will be bringing Bob's bantams that had been presold or promised to others, a total of 11 head.  I believe he said they are all entered in the show.   It's kind of ironic, because the year of the ABC National in Montana I was going through some health problems, could not go, and Bob took some of my birds that had been entered.   Anyway, to conclude, they are cancelling their reservation at the Best Western.   So if anyone tried to get a reservation there and got turned away, there is now a room open.    Please keep Bob and Teresa in your prayers.   "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."  Proverbs 16:9


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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #32 on: October 24, 2012, 07:42:56 AM »
Our prayers are with the Walchak's.
Paul Smith


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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #33 on: October 24, 2012, 10:19:09 PM »
Friday, Mostly Sunny, High: 51 °F

Friday Night, Partly Cloudy, Low: 31 °F

Saturday, Mostly Sunny, High: 51 °F  :)

Saturday Night, Partly Cloudy, Low: 31 °F

Sunday, Mostly Sunny, High: 52 °F

Beth C

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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #34 on: October 28, 2012, 03:03:27 PM »
My prayers are with Bob & his family...

Safe travels, guys!


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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2012, 12:04:55 AM »
Just got home!  It was just over a 700 mile drive that took over 12 1/2 hours.
It was a fun weekend of fowl fellowship with old and new friends.
Stay tuned for the show results and some photos...

Mike Gilbert

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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #36 on: October 29, 2012, 06:21:22 PM »
We got home Monday afternoon.   Bob Walchak has been here already and picked up his load of winnings.
I know he was very pleased, as he should be.   He had BB bantam on a white cockerel and RB bantam on a wheaten pullet.   All his birds at the show had been presold.  I don't know for sure if the cockerel went any further, as did not get to spend much time at the show, unfortunately.  Michael or Paul will fill in the rest of the information and I'm pretty sure Paul will share photos.   


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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2012, 08:28:05 PM »
Michael or Paul

The district directors rely on the secretary for a lot of help with the national meets and these guys did a great job, as usual, working together.  Even though many of us only see each other once a year we have developed friendships closer than some neighbors and relatives. 
Jean couldn't be there, so honorary VP Mike Gilbert was going to officiate the annual club meeting but he couldn't be at the show when the meeting was going on so Michael took charge.  Paul's son, Matthew, was the official photographer as the awards were handed out and he took photos of the winning birds.
Several of us met at Pizza Hut on Friday evening and we had a large group at the Golden Coral on Saturday.
There were quite a few very nice Ameraucana for sale in the sale area.  The weather was nice and that's the way it was. ;)


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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #38 on: October 30, 2012, 10:46:36 AM »
Cherie and I had a super time this year.  We started out in Wichita to get her a Angora rabbit at the ARBA national show and then headed to Sedalia.  Sedalia is kind of special because this is where I got into Ameraucanas hard-core.  Great to see all of the super birds and try to measure mine up to what was shown.  Got some good tips and advice too.  Fact be told Cherie actually bought a pair of birds which suprised the socks off of me considering she never really has shown much interest in mine.  She got a pair of bantam red cochins because they were just sooooo cute.  Just when you thought you knew someone they turn around and throw you a curve.  Ain't life gfrand?



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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #39 on: October 30, 2012, 10:14:22 PM »
I just attended my first National ABC show. I had a great, but short time in Sedelia. I had a chance to put faces with names I had seen on the forum. Also a chance to see some really nice Ameraucanas. I Stopped back Saturday afternoon to chat again with Mike Gilbert  but John said he had a valid excuse for not being at the show at that time. So Mike, here's warning you I'll have to run you down at a future show. Thanks Micheal for doing a great job at the Ameraucana table and running the meeting. Matthew Smith said he wanted to win the raffle for the black Fowl Stuff nest. Well, he did just that! I accused him of putting glue on his ticket stub. Well, better close and start getting ready for our Nebraska State Poultry Show this week end.
Gordon Gilliam

Mike Gilbert

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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #40 on: October 30, 2012, 10:21:06 PM »
Gordon, I have to apologize for cutting you off at the club table Saturday morning.  My right leg was giving me severe pain, stemming from an old back problem, and I ended up at the hospital ER the better part of the day.  Thanks to John and Kathy Blehm for getting me there.   We'll be sure to visit longer next time.


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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #41 on: October 31, 2012, 10:48:05 PM »
I pray that you are feeling better now. What a bummer to drive all that way to spend most of the day in the hospital. I'm sure it was a long ride home also.
Gordon Gilliam


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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #42 on: November 01, 2012, 10:07:48 AM »
Thanks Every One!
A special thanks to Micheal Muenks who persevered through personal issues to serve the club so eloquently as secty/treas/vicepres,awardsgiver..........   WoW!
Mark & I had a great time.  We rode with Jerry Segler most of the way and Mark was a little "Chickened out" by the time we got home.  Personally, I could listen and learn from the great Gurus of our clan for hours & hours without tiring.  Mike Gilbert - get better!  I want to pick your brain more!  John Blemm - Thanks for all you shared with me and your old birds ( my new birds ) "JB" and Kaybee are fitting in just fine.  Kaybee even layed her first(?) egg.  What a treat this whole show was.  Every one was so nice & helpful especially Paul Smith who helped me when my hen was categorized incorrectly.  I really need to spend more time with all of you!  Welcome Shroeder!  I know you'll do just great!
Denise Baker
Paradise Found
Denise Baker
Paradise Found Farm
        Joliet, IL


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Re: Sedalia
« Reply #43 on: November 06, 2012, 09:18:02 AM »

It was great to get to meet you.  Thanks for showing at the national.
Paul Smith