I have to have my birds pullorum and typhoid tested or NPIP certified with proof of testing before I can enter them for show.
That is a the rule at most poultry shows that I know of and is required by the states with some variation from state to state. Pullorum and typhoid are tested together, so it is one test requiring a drop of blood.
Our only remaining poultry show in Michigan has volunteer pullorum testers to test birds that need it at the door before cooping in with a $1 per bird suggested donation.
We always encourage everyone to have their birds tested before the show to avoid long testing lines at the show. In this case you would send in a copy of the test paper(s) with your entry form.
Some of us that have NPIP flocks just write our flock number on the entry forms. Mine is #34-208. The "34" designates Michigan and my flock was the 208th registered/certified.