The Official Forum of the Ameraucana Breeders Club > Breeding

Hatchery claiming to sell True Ameraucanas?

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Just read a blog post that Meyer Hatchery will be selling True Ameraucanas in Blue and Wheaten for 2013

here is the link to the blog post from Meyer Hatchery

thoughts, input, anyone?

Does this mean all of us will have to try even harder to educate people or will the hatchery have good qality birds...hmmmm interesting

Mike Gilbert:
I read the link.   An improvement, but still not 100% correct.   Easter eggers have been around longer than both recognized breeds.  Araucanas (tufted & rumpless) were created in the early 20th century by a Chilean doctor from at least two different kinds of easter eggers;  the record is sketchy at best.   No where does the record say that he bred for specific, true breeding colors.     And where does it say in the Standard that Ameraucanas are to have "long, flowing tailfeathers?"   They are to be medium in length, not long.   I believe Meyer is taking a step in the right direction, but the best birds will be found with true breeders.   Meeting typical hatchery demand means proper culling will likely not be accomplished.  I hope I'm proven wrong.
Do you know the best definition of an pessimist?  "A pessimist is an optimist with more experience."

that " long flowing tail feathers" made me chuckle as well. I just hate the thoughts of mass production of something that we all know will probably be mediocre at best and new breeders actually use that as breeding stock. But I guess I give it to Meyer for trying to be in the mainstream as far as demand


--- Quote ---but we’re proud be the only hatchery offering true Amerauacanas (despite what others advertise)
--- End quote ---
That's what they say, but my little hatchery has been offering them for over two decades and I've even developed and/or co-developed some varieties over the past 30 years. :P
I'm glad they got the spelling right (except for the typo(?) above) and hope they strive to follow the Standard.

My Pet Chicken is advertising them as well. They do use Meyer as a supplier sometimes. $20 per chick. I sell mine for $6, when I have them. 


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