Author Topic: Turned on the Incubator Today  (Read 18210 times)


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Re: Turned on the Incubator Today
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2013, 08:14:05 PM »
I set 135 eggs on the 10th. Mostly Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and Blue and Black Marans. Can't set eggs from my best pen of BBS Ameraucanas until after the Ft. Worth Stock Show. Im getting anxious...
Max Strawn


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Re: Turned on the Incubator Today
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2013, 06:52:43 PM »
I put the first setting of the year in yesterday.  I always collect eggs for 2 weeks for the first setting and there were 334 eggs.  About half are Ameraucanas. 


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Re: Turned on the Incubator Today
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2013, 09:28:56 PM »
Sharon, unless they have dead embryos already after 6 - 7 days, I boil them, mash them up fairly fine, shells and all, and feed them back to the laying flock.   They love it.  Be careful to break them slowly, as sometimes a little liquid will tend to squirt.   The mixture smells fine, and apparently tastes great to the chickens.

I do much the same except I've done it for eggs as old as 14 days or more.  I crack all the undeveloped and/or partially developed eggs into a glass bowl.  Then I nuke all the shells for about 3 minutes or so on high.  This cooks all the stuff on the shells and makes them really easy to crush up into very small pieces.  While the shells are nuking, I scramble all the eggs together, add a little Rooster Booster, and a LOT of Cayenne Pepper.  Then I take the eggs shells, wrap them in a paper towell, mash the dickens out of them, and sprinkle them over the top of the eggs.  Then nuke the whole things for about 30 minutes on low.  And Voila!  Egg soufle for the hens.  And as Mike says, they love it. 

God Bless,

Sharon Yorks

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Re: Turned on the Incubator Today
« Reply #33 on: January 16, 2013, 10:20:24 AM »
Cayenne Pepper? Why? What does that do?
Sharon Yorks
Mark 11:23

(Don't tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is!)


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Re: Turned on the Incubator Today
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2013, 09:19:12 PM »
BRRRR much too cold for me to consider hatching.We [like most of the US] are having the coldest days of winter to date.Come on april!Frozen water but my hydrant is still working.I do have tape from the top to underground that I use if it freezes up.It does sometimes but not yet.Stay warm and be careful doing those chores.


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Re: Turned on the Incubator Today
« Reply #35 on: January 23, 2013, 10:09:55 PM »
Cayenne Pepper? Why? What does that do?

Honestly, I don't know that it does anything.  I've read in some very old books and on some recent things that it's good for the birds.  They evidently aren't bothered by the heat and it's supposed to be good for something.  Don't remember what now.  I do know it hasn't hurt them though!  A quick Google would probably tell you more.  LOL

God Bless,