Author Topic: ABC Sharing Place shut down several days for maintenance  (Read 5129 times)


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ABC Sharing Place shut down several days for maintenance
« on: January 31, 2006, 08:27:41 PM »
ABC Sharing Place members...please read the following which is the response I got from msn customer service.
Hopefully this will resolve some of the technical issues we have been experiencing on the msn forums.

Hello Vicky,

Thank you for writing to MSN Groups Technical Support.

I am Mary Grace and I understand that you are experiencing issues with MSN Groups. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Please advise that MSN Groups is currently undergoing maintenance and will be unavailable for several days. During this maintenance period, you will be unable to modify your groups. Please be assured that this is a temporary situation. Once maintenance is complete you will then be able to modify your groups again. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.

You are a valuable customer to MSN and we are glad to give you consistent and effective service. If you have other concerns, please do not hesitate to write back.


Mary Grace
MSN Groups Technical Support


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ABC Sharing Place shut down several days for maintenance
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 09:01:22 PM »
  I quit visiting you site when I was unable to login.  MSN has cancelled my account, and would not allow me to re-open it with my e-mail address.  It\'s the only e-mail that I have, and I am not going to change it.  So, I\'m out of luck according to MSN support.  
  I miss your lively conversations!



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ABC Sharing Place shut down several days for maintenance
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2006, 01:19:03 PM »
FWIW, I hate MSN. I find it slow, clunky, outmoded. I actually prefer Yahoo Groups, which can have moderated memberships as well as messages, but this sort of web-based board works for me too.

Just my two cents...


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ABC Sharing Place shut down several days for maintenance
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2006, 05:31:18 PM »
Shockingly I have never had any issues with MSN sites!



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ABC Sharing Place shut down several days for maintenance
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2006, 09:45:46 PM »
Sorry I haven\'t responded sooner but I don\'t come here often.
So sorry folk are having problems.
ABC Sharing Place not my website.
Its a group forum that Rita Johnson started and manages.  
I\'m the co-manager.  
As for msn group forums they are free websites and you get what you pay for.  Yahoo groups have their pro\'s and con\'s too.
I am a member of both and prefer the msn forums which offer alot more options and a nicer format.
There are technical and how-to pages on ABC Sharing Place and it might be helpful to read those pages.  I have been involved with msn forums for a few years now and whenever I had problems I was able to get help via msn\'s help page where you will find trouble shooting information or you can email msn customer service for help
Click on \"help\" on top right of the website)
It just takes some effort sometimes to figure out what the problem is.
HINT: Try using Fire Fox has proven to work faster for me even with my old puter/Windows 98 system.  


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ABC Sharing Place shut down several days for maintenance
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2006, 10:59:29 AM »

I found that MSN is user friendly for those of us who are \"computer challenged\".
Vicky has done a fablus job holding the site together, and makes wonderful pages that both look good, and contain lots of information.
Now that I have my new computer, and it does have a fire fox browser, I don\'t like it so well, it does not allow the pages to load the same as the inter net explorer browner, and doe not give you any options ot tool bars when tou go to reply to something, or even make pages.
Once again Vicky managed to come to the rescue bu sugesting I use the explorer to accecc my MSN web sites, whish I do noe, except when I am browsing the internet, but amazingly, my explorer will not let me post if I come here, I have to be using the fire fox browser here.
I guess you learn somethig new every, I never realized there were differnat \"Browsers\", or that each works differantly with differant sites.

One problem I noticed a lot of folks have is when they come to the msn site they click on the \"join now\" button, instead of the \"sign in\" button
Once you are a member, all you need to do is sign into your passport, you don\'t have to re-join every time you come to the site.
Now if we could just get MSN to leave things alone and quit up dating  every time we turn around, we wouldn\'t have so many problems!!
I think the are still working on things, as occasionaly I get the \"Hmm..I can\'t find that page\" message.


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ABC Sharing Place shut down several days for maintenance
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2006, 06:22:35 PM »
Thanks Rita!  Its my pleasure to be able to contribute in some small way to the breed. :D
I think msn is still working on things.  I don\'t have problems most of the time.  I think some people just haven\'t figured out how to use the site even though I don\'t find it that user unfriendly but  its easy to understand that sometimes  steps are over looked.  Good tip on signing in and once signed in check the option to stay signed in.