Author Topic: Finishing at the fair  (Read 2738 times)


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Finishing at the fair
« on: July 20, 2013, 09:15:53 PM »
Big show at the county fair was today, I sure am glad it is over I don't think my wife can deal with the stress very well  ::). Of course the week before is the hottest week of the summer (seems to happen every year). At least all our birds are doing well, they lost 11 yesterday at the fairgrounds during coop in and 1 today during the show. Both my kids did very well, they keep showing improvement and had fun so I am very pleased with them. Now we can move some chickens around and sort out some future prospects to be placed in conditioning pens. Oh yeah and I can finally sit back and enjoy all of our young birds growing out. I think that is my favorite part of being a chicken farmer  ;D. At least until September then we have to get geared up for Fowl Fest then the madness will begin again  ;)

Mike Gilbert

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Re: Finishing at the fair
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2013, 08:01:22 AM »
Wow, that is a lot of birds to lose at a fair.  How hot was it?   Our fair was this week too, but they have big fans moving air through the building, with big open doors on both ends, and big windows on the sides too.  The actual judging is done outdoors under a canopy for shade.   I went over and watched most of the judging Thursday afternoon, and it was like an oven even in the shade.   A White Ameraucana hen took reserve champion bantam, while a LF Brown Red finished 3rd in the large fowl.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 10:10:55 PM by Mike Gilbert »


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Re: Finishing at the fair
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2013, 10:02:02 PM »
Friday it was in the low to mid 90's but had heat index of 105+. Coop in was from 4:30 until 8:30 and I am betting the early birds cooped in are the ones that paid the price. We arrived at 8 (I wanted to wait and let it cool down a little) and we also packed 2 gallons of chilled water with vitamin/electrolyte added in to help with the stress. I don't think we got out of there until 9:30 or 10. My kids were going around making sure every pen had plenty of water. Hard to believe how many pens water cups were empty, I would like to think they got spilled but unfortunately a couple didn't look very wet. We too have a lot of fans and the sides of the barn are all open, but Saturday with the show the barn was so packed with parents and grandparents the fans sure didn't have the chance to circulate the air. Not to mention they were judging the meat pens, fancies and having showmanship competition simultaneously. I believe there was 87 pens of just broiler's it was the biggest turnout I have ever seen. I just wish they would make the kids who just bring meat pens also bring a fancy and/or do showmanship. I think a lot of them just do it for the $$$$ at the auction but with the cost of college like it is I guess you can not blame them.  It is now back down to in the 80 without the high humidity we have been having. So looks like a good week to be at a fair  ;)