Author Topic: Any Eggs in Incubators out there for the New Year?  (Read 11026 times)

Blue Egg Acres

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Any Eggs in Incubators out there for the New Year?
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2006, 09:54:10 AM »
Oh, it\'s beautiful! You guys are going to get me hooked! I\'m trying so hard not to take on anymore varieties/projects but it\'s really hard with all this talk and now photos!


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Any Eggs in Incubators out there for the New Year?
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2006, 11:13:02 AM »
Hi John,

He/she IS  beautiful!!!  Thank you so much for the picture. :p

I have 3 F2 (lavender project) eggs in my incubator due March 4th, so the 25% ratio isn\'t in my favor there, but I also have 6 F2 (lavender wheaten project) eggs.   It\'s so hard to wait!  I hope I can post a picture next weekend.

Susie Winder


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Any Eggs in Incubators out there for the New Year?
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2006, 01:45:30 PM »

You lucky guy! Mine were all black once again . . .



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Any Eggs in Incubators out there for the New Year?
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2006, 03:04:40 PM »
You lucky guy!

 :D Ja, that\'s me.  I didn\'t count them yet and will check the hatchers again this evening, but there were about 2 dozen with about 1/3 lavender and 2/3 black.

There must be around 20 or so bantam silvers so far.  They are hatching really well.  I need to hatch as many as I can to get a few good ones.

Our 10 year old, David, is very excited about it all!


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Any Eggs in Incubators out there for the New Year?
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2006, 08:49:57 PM »
I set 2 dozen eggs on 1/30.   Only 12 hatched last weekend.  5 blacks, 5 whites, 1 blue, and one with racing stripes.  

I\'ve never seen that blue color before.  Maybe I\'m wrong on the color, correct me if it is something else.

These are from black hens with white roos.


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Any Eggs in Incubators out there for the New Year?
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2006, 11:52:48 AM »
aww. such cuties!!
we have some narragansetts in the incubator, but haven\'t seperated the Ameraucanas yet. the will be next week, after this last really cold snap, then we should be setting eggs in late march


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Any Eggs in Incubators out there for the New Year?
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2006, 04:36:22 PM »
Well by day 18, I only had 2 of the lavender project eggs left and 5 of the lavender wheatens, but . . .

both of the lavender project eggs hatched lavenders!

and at least one of the lavender wheatens has lavender.
