Author Topic: Poultry Show in Columbus Ohio November 9th?  (Read 3410 times)


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Poultry Show in Columbus Ohio November 9th?
« on: October 29, 2013, 01:09:54 PM »
I 'heard' there is a National Show in Ohio on November 9th and am thinking about driving down there for the day.

I have some 'spare' LF Ameraucanas I could bring if anyone is interested. I have not even gone through them yet....definitely should have some spare roosters, though....

I know NOTHING about poultry shows, what to do to prep a bird for show, what if any tests have to be run on birds, like vet/health papers.

Also, I figure I should at least run any birds I might bring to the show and leave in my car for sale (if that is allowable) through parasite treatments. I have Wazine, Baytril, and Ivermectin. I don't have a current parasite treatment protocol. There are runny poos in the coop, nothing with any RED, though.

They do poo in their water with open water dishes. I just try to rinse the bowls out and put fresh water in them. I've been told that if it turns red in summer to add a bit of clorox, and the rest of the time it is good to put apple cider vinegar in their water to aid health.

I feed Kalambach rations, 2 lbs per chicken per week. It is usually starter/grower 20% or layer 20% depending on the flock.

Let me know and would love all the CARE advice I can get....time to try to sort things out for the winter.

Thanks everyone,
Bonnie in NW Ohio

PS, I will probably try to come down just to see the show, talk to everyone there, and learn what to do for a show and how to go about it.....


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Re: Poultry Show in Columbus Ohio November 9th?
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2013, 01:27:55 PM »
The Columbus show is called the Ohio National.  They have a very nice facility, although I'm not a fan of that show.  There are also some posts about it under this topic.   I don't know if you can buy sale coops there without exhibiting, so you'll want to check into that before taking birds to sell.  I'm sure you shouldn't sell from the parking lot, except you could arrange for pickup there with presold birds.  Also, be ready to pay to get into the showroom, if you are not an exhibiting.  There is also a fee for parking.  Have fun checking out the birds and visiting with others. 
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 02:02:34 PM by John »

DeWayne Edgin

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Re: Poultry Show in Columbus Ohio November 9th?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2013, 01:33:17 PM »
Bonnie what  large fowls do you have for sale? What varieties and about how old are they?


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Re: Poultry Show in Columbus Ohio November 9th?
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2013, 10:54:04 AM »
I am also from NW OH. I have LF Whites at this time. Are you thinking about showing more often and selling? If so you may want to get your flock NPIP registered. In OH it costs about $35 per year. An inspector comes to your farm and picks out a predetermined number of birds to test for Avian Influenza and Pullorum Typhoid. I am not sure how close you live, but I am near Lima. We could arrange to meet at one of our places to discuss some information.  I do have 15 birds registered for Columbus, so I may see you down there if nothing else. I am new this year to showing, but I have a couple of mentors that have been showing for years.

Matt Parker