@ Don.. I ended up with more pullets than cockerels with visible lacing genes. I have 30 chicks to sort through. I have about 10 black ones. Some are blue but with not impressive lacing so they are getting canned as well.
@Mike, I am worried that breeding F1's back to Ameraucana will lose my pattern genes. I think right now they are all "split" for patterns (is that a correct term? lol) They have Pg/pg+, Ml/ml+, Co/co+ I assume...since the Andalusian parent seemed to carry the full set. If I go back to Am now won't the pattern genes just disappear? But if I go back to Andalusian...then I am even further from Ameraucana type. Sigh... I don't know what to do. What if I bred the F1's to each other? Then I would most likely get back to Pg/Pg, Ml/Ml, Co/Co but I guess then I will be possibly doubling up on things I don't want like straight combs, etc.
Unless....Black Ameraucana carries Ml/Ml? The kippen calculator lists Ameraucana as ml+/ml+. If Ams have Ml/Ml then maybe that is what is helping this generation to have better lacing than I expected? In that case maybe my chicks are Pg/pg+, Ml/Ml and going back to Ameraucana will not mess with the Melanotic genes.
Am I talking in circles?

Just stumped. I suppose I am in no rush. I could try all combinations and see what works best? lol