Author Topic: My First Poultry Show  (Read 5664 times)


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My First Poultry Show
« on: January 26, 2014, 10:12:31 AM »
I'm going to bite the bullet and enter my first poultry shows with a couple of Ameraucanas from Paul Smith (a Splash and a Blue Wheaten pullet) as well as some bantam Cochins I bought from a breeder/judge. 

The shows are small, but the last show it seems will be an Ameraucana "meet" (South Central Texas State Fair).  What does a "meet" mean?  Do I only fill out the one entry form for the show, and the "meet" will be included in that one entry fee/form?

Yesterday I finally got the Ameraucanas in their own pen away from the boys.  Up until today, they've been free ranging.  If the weather is nice, I'll set up a table and chair and go through their feathers and pull the broken ones.  I have exhibition cages, so I can get them used to being confined and put in and out of the cage.

I need to get numbered ring bands for them.  What sort of a water cup should I bring?  I still need to make an appointment with the state tester for Pullorum/Typhoid.

When should I bathe them?  I wanted to bathe them at least once before the show.

Any advice to this novice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Sharon Yorks

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Re: My First Poultry Show
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 10:57:38 PM »
Okay, first words of advice. Take a deep breath, release it slowly, and relax :-)

I can't speak for anyone else, so any advice I give you are strictly my "suggestions" and/or what I would do myself. I'm in no way saying, "This is how it is done."

As far as the entry/meet forms. You only need to fill out the show's entry form. The fact that it is an Ameraucana meet, just means that the Ameraucana Breeders Club will receive a show report (from the club putting on the show) so we will have record of who was showing Ameraucanas at that show.

Generally, I think most all shows will furnish little plastic cups for you to use for food and water, at least the shows I have been to did. Please feel free to use the contact information listed for that show on our website for any questions you have. That's why it is listed.

As far as bathing them, I would do that a few days in advance and check your birds all over real good to make sure they don't have mites. I use a little baby comb to fluff up their beards, muffs, & fluff. Check their toe nails and trim them if they are too long, but be careful, it's easy to make them bleed if you trim them too short. Take some baby wipes in case you need to wipe off their legs and feet once you get to the show. I buy numbered leg bandettes from Hakes Twin City Poultry Supplies. I'm not sure what size you would need cause I don't know your birds. Probably 9 or 11. If you want to check them out, you can find them online here:

Hopefully others will chime in with more advice. I want to hear all about it so be sure to give us a detailed report :-)

Best wishes!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 11:04:18 PM by Sharon Yorks »
Sharon Yorks
Mark 11:23

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Re: My First Poultry Show
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2014, 09:15:09 AM »
I think most all shows will furnish little plastic cups for you to use for food and water
My experience has been that the show club provides little plastic cups for water.  Feed is provided, but not cups to use as feeders.  The feed is just placed on the coop flooring for the birds to eat.  Some exhibitors bring their own feed and water, while many just use what the show provides. 
There are some exhibitors that bring their own little plastic cups to hang inside the coops to feed and water their birds.  I have always felt these should be removed before judging begins, because they can be an indication of which exhibitor entered those birds.

Holiday Hatch

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Re: My First Poultry Show
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2014, 12:29:05 PM »
Janet - This past weekend, I enered my first Poultry Show in Stockton, CA.  I entered only one Blue Wheaten Cockerel.  I bathed him a week prior to the show with Baby Mild Castille Soap.  I don't think it was the best choice because his feathers didn't lay nicely at the show even though he still did quite well.  A friend said he used a mild dish soap but be sure to wash/rinse out the soap residue well.  He suggested scrubbing the feet with a brush and keep them separate until the show so not to get all messed up again.  I let mine back with the flock because it was more stressful to isolate him, but I gave the feet a touch up before we left for the show.  I blow dried him after the bath, but didn't think of combing the beard and muff.  I'd like to know what other people use to bathe their birds for shows?
I used their feed.  They provided tiny little clear plastic cups.  Logan Miller and his mother were there and they gave me lots of tips plus a larger clear plastic cup for water for my Cockerel.  Lots of people had their own generic looking food and water containers but I hadn't considered it might suggest who the exhibitor is.
My big concern is bringing back anything to the flock since I keep a closed flock and practice bio-security.  That's one of the reasons I sold the Cockerel after the show.  However, I purchased a beautiful Wheaten Cockerel from Logan Miller at the show and the new Cockerel is now in quarantine.  I'll take blood samples and test him for certain things before I introduce him to the flock.
It was stressful for me and my Cockerel, but once he got cooped in, it got much better.  He took an immediate liking to the Blue Wheaten pullet next to him and settled into crowing with the rest of them. 
The best part was meeting and networking with other breeders and learning a great deal.  For information on filling out entry forms, I called the munber on the form and asked lots of questions about anything I didn't understand.  Best of luck to you.  Linda


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Re: My First Poultry Show
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2014, 01:21:41 PM »
I'd like to know what other people use to bathe their birds for shows
I like to bathe my show birds about 5-7 days before a show with Blue Ribbon Show Shampoo. Bathe in shampoo bath for 3-4 minutes, then rinse with warm clear water in 3 separate bathes. I like to use 4 each 5-6 gal totes. I line them up in a row and just progress the birds from tote to tote to tote etc. You can use the same bathe water for several birds until you feel it is getting too dirty, then I just make a new batch and 3 new rinse bathes. I towel off the birds then put them in cages to dry off. This seems to work better than blow drying as the birds rearrange their feathers as they dry and you get less feather wrinkle this way. This shampoo leaves the feathers soft and pliable and a slight gloss. This shampoo has keratin and aloe vera as a base.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 08:19:21 PM by John Blehm »
Gordon Gilliam


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Re: My First Poultry Show
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2014, 11:08:57 AM »
First and foremost I am not an expert.....with that said. I separate all the birds with what I feel have good promise as soon as possible, 2 months prior to show being the absolute minimum. I have 2'x3' breeder pens that I use to house them in (they have plywood sides and floor, less chance of wire damaging feathers, they also have roosting poles in them), I will usually put 2-3 pullets in together or 2-3 cockerels together from the same hatch to reduce squabbles (Bantams that is Large Fowl I only put 1-2). 8-10 weeks before the show I pull all damaged feathers and start handling and posing the birds. I also keep the pens very clean and usually give them the first bath, trim toenails, treat for any parasites and make my final cut on what I think my best are at this time also. I continue checking for parasites (any sign of parasites is automatic DQ), and handling (like the judges will be doing) all the way to show date. Week before the show I bath them again (I also use blue ribbon poultry shampoo). First rinse tub I add a little vinegar to help cut the shampoo, second rinse tub just water. I do not blow dry my Ameraucana I just put them in wire cages and let them air dry. Every day I wipe them down with a silk cloth while I handle them this last week (helps feathers lay down and puts a nice sheen on them). I also put them outside in the sun for an hour or so each day to help brighten the combs and wattles. This last week I also change the feed from high protein chicken feed to scratch grains only. It helps reduce the scat and makes it dry and easy to remove from the bedding with a kitty litter scoop (less poop means less poop on there feet). I also do any final trimming of toe nails and beaks during this week at some point. Day or two before show I use a baby wipe to clean there feet and vent area and rub Olive oil or mineral oil mixed with rubbing alcohol on there feet and shanks, comb and wattles. Then off to the show we go  :D :D :D. I bring my own cups, feed, water (with electrolytes to help with stress) and final touch up kit. Which includes baby wipes, tweezers, nail file, cotton swabs, silk cloth, small towel, oil/alcohol mixture and Vaseline. Hour before show I check all birds and do my final preparations, remove all feed and water cups finally take a deep breath, relax and enjoy meeting and talking chicken with some great people. Not to mention sneaking off to the sale/vendor areas to see what I can not live without. Most importantly have fun and enjoy yourself, I went to 3-4 big shows and watched what other people did to prepare and asked a lot of questions. I was amazed how helpful and friendly they all were  ;) ;) ;) ;) Remember to always look for ways to improve not only your genetics but also your conditioning practices. They go hand in hand when competing at the show's       


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Re: My First Poultry Show
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2014, 12:04:23 PM »
Thanks ever so much for all your advice.  I really appreciate it.  Janet


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Re: My First Poultry Show
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2014, 05:42:42 PM »
If you live in Texas here is the link to find your local P/T tester.
Rhoton Hill Farms