Author Topic: Coloring on Wheaten Pullet  (Read 3346 times)

Holiday Hatch

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Coloring on Wheaten Pullet
« on: June 24, 2014, 04:07:56 PM »
Does anyone have any comments on the coloring of this 6 month old Wheaten Pullet?  There's more red/brown color than I've seen in any other Wheatens.  I'm thinking of culling her but would like some opinions since I've not seen a lot of Wheaten Pullets/Hens to compare her to.  Thank you - Linda

DeWayne Edgin

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Re: Coloring on Wheaten Pullet
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2014, 08:24:17 PM »
Well im no expert but the wing and tail could use more black on the tips of the feathers. As for the darker brown, i have seen Wheatens with much darker feathers. I can`t tell if it has the black specks on its hackel. If she doesn` t , then you may want to use her. If this is a problem in your birds. I guess it depends on what traits you are trying to correct. The experts can weigh in now on their thoughts.

Mike Gilbert

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Re: Coloring on Wheaten Pullet
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2014, 01:31:42 PM »

My definition of expert is "someone from out-of-town."    So in this case I guess that makes me one of those.
She does have that mottled look of darker and lighter back and cushion feathers.   Normally that goes away when they get older, especially after their first adult moult.    As far as being darker or lighter, I have won best Ameraucana bantam an an ABC National on a bird darker than this one.   I do prefer the lighter shades, but that makes it more difficult to achieve the desired amount of black in the tail and flight feathers.   The standard does call for the lighter shades to be preferred in females, but this one looks to be pretty good in other respects, so I would certainly not cull her based on her coloring alone.

Holiday Hatch

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Re: Coloring on Wheaten Pullet
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2014, 02:36:36 PM »
DeWayne thanks for your feedback; she doesn't have black in her hackle but it may be more likely in the darker colored Wheatens.  Mike you're right about the mottled look, that's mostly what I don't like about her.  I didn't know that she might grow out of that after the first molt.  She's 6 months old. 
Thanks for both of you confirming there is a wide range of light to dark shades in wheaten coloring that are acceptable.  I prefer the lighter shades, but I have only one darker colored Wheaten hen and she's very pretty.  So I'll think more about culling this one, but I won't do it on color alone.     Thanks - Linda