Author Topic: Proposed changes to club DUES  (Read 6350 times)


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Proposed changes to club DUES
« on: August 02, 2014, 03:14:05 PM »
I have a proposal before the board to decrease some dues and make some minor changes as outlined below…

•       Individual (includes all ages/juniors) - $10.00/year with Bulletins emailed or $12.00/year with Bulletins sent via US mail (available to US Zip codes only).

•       Family - $16.00/year with Bulletins emailed or $18.00/Family with Bulletins sent via US mail (available to US Zip codes only).

•       Lifetime Membership Dues, with Bulletins emailed (no option here for US mail), are $200/Individual & $300/Family.

•       You may pay for up to 2 years in advance.  Dues are not refundable.

•       Due to postage costs only email memberships (or e-memberships) are available to anyone without a US Zip code (This way individual & junior members in Canada and other countries wouldn’t have to pay for a family membership as they do now). 

Current dues are:

Yearly Membership Dues are $10.00/Junior (17 & under), $12.00/Individual and $18.00/**Family.
Lifetime Membership Dues are $200/Individual & $300/Family.
You may pay for up to 2 years in advance.  Dues are not refundable.
Due to postage costs only Family memberships are available to anyone without a US Zip code.
Memberships are renewable by January 1st of each year. 

Please chime in with your thoughts.  Of course I would like to see the proposal pass, but if you see any parts that you see as negative please let me know.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 05:47:40 PM by John Blehm »

Mike Gilbert

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Re: Proposed changes to club DUES
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2014, 12:54:39 PM »
Assuming the proposals were presented as a package deal, all or nothing, why not try again with point by point, individual proposals?   


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Re: Proposed changes to club DUES
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2014, 03:45:53 PM »

How about keeping the memberships the same price, but charging a fee for mailing bulletins? Might be easier to pass, and it would increase, rather than decrease, money into the club.

Shakti :-)


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Re: Proposed changes to club DUES
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2014, 12:38:20 AM »
For what it's worth, I'd support the changes John.  Makes sense to me.   :)

God Bless,

Jeffery and Cheryl Vance

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Re: Proposed changes to club DUES
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2014, 08:15:30 AM »
Just out of curiosity why didn't this proposal pass?
Jeffery and Cheryl Vance

Sharon Yorks

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Re: Proposed changes to club DUES
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2014, 10:54:49 AM »
The split between board members (3 to 3) came because of the issue of the mailing of the quarterly bulletins to Lifetime Members. I personally know of a lifetime member who has been saving “every” bulletin since he became a member and I did not feel that it was fair to him or anyone else who would put that much commitment and interest into this club, to be told they “have” to switch to e-mail. This is the way I worded my actual vote:

“If you are saying that if someone who is willing to pay for a lifetime membership does not even have the option of getting their bulletin by US mail..then I vote "no" to the new proposal.”

Jean and I both started calling members who were receiving their bulletins by snail mail and many didn’t mind switching to help save the club money, so the whole idea of trying to push an issue through which decreased the club’s income, but was presented as of a way to saving time and money, did not make sense to me. In reality, I believe it was more of an issue of trying to get more people to switch to e-mail, which many agreed to do without having to push a new set of rules….which I guess now leads me to another question.

John…You said,“If in office next year I'll try again...with some new board members in place that could change the outcome of a vote(s).” and then you also said, “I'll make another proposal(s) once the new board is in place.”

My question is, if you are elected President and then also stay on as Secretary/Treasurer, does that give you 2 votes when voting on any issues presented to the Board of Directors?
Sharon Yorks
Mark 11:23

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Sharon Yorks

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Re: Proposed changes to club DUES
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2014, 11:30:33 AM »
Your proposal says: 

Lifetime Membership Dues, with Bulletins emailed (no option here for US mail), are $200/Individual & $300/Family.

This does not state anything about old lifetime members being grandfathered in or only email options for new lifetime members. Your proposal was for a "change" in membership issues. But even with that said, no one should be forced to only use email. We have members who don't even own a computer.

The thing I don't understand is why you are SO insistent on getting this proposal pushed through when it's not like we are going to have a stampede of people wanting to buy lifetime memberships. It's not that hard to print an extra bulletin should there ever be a situation where a new lifetime member wants a printed bulletin.

And just to clarify...are you saying that if "you" hold both positions in office you are only going to have 1 vote or 2?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 11:33:26 AM by Sharon Yorks »
Sharon Yorks
Mark 11:23

(Don't tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is!)

Mike Gilbert

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Re: Proposed changes to club DUES
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2014, 12:18:35 PM »
Conversations like this are best done by private email.    Get the details worked out in private, then have the vote and report the results.    Paper bulletins require a lot of time, and is probably one of the main reasons so few ever step up to run for the office of secretary.   I am one of those who switched to email, but my printer does a lousy job with color, so John offered to send paper once again.   I have saved all the newsletters since 1978 when the club was first formed.   I hope to donate these back to the club or to some worthy individual when I get to the point when I can no longer keep birds, which may not be too far distant in the future.    If nobody is interested when the time comes, I guess my grandkids can have a nice bonfire and marshmallow roast. 

Sharon Yorks

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Re: Proposed changes to club DUES
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2014, 01:44:22 PM »

And just to clarify...are you saying that if "you" hold both positions in office you are only going to have 1 vote or 2?

I do not mean to be a stickler about this, but I would still like a "clear" answer as to whether or not you (John)  would have 1 vote or 2 if you held both positions in office next year. I personally do not feel any one person should have 2 votes. When trying to make decisions that affect the entire membership, it is healthy to have as many view points as possible, especially with the limited number of people and votes on the board right now. I know your previous answer was:

"No, but I would imagine if the same person was elected to more than one office they would get a vote for each."

I'm just not exactly sure what that means. Sorry.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 01:50:11 PM by Sharon Yorks »
Sharon Yorks
Mark 11:23

(Don't tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is!)


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Re: Proposed changes to club DUES
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2014, 02:13:34 PM »
I'm glad I was reelected by default before you made the cruise public information.  I might have had some competition otherwise.  8)

Sharon Yorks

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Re: Proposed changes to club DUES
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2014, 03:22:58 PM »
Thanks for clarifying. So, it's 1 vote if you get elected as president and you appoint yourself as secretary, but 2 votes if you get elected president and someone were to put your name on a ballot for the secretary position. I understand now. Thanks. I just didn't want to misunderstand how things work.

Will we be getting those Hawaiian cruise tickets at the National Meet?  :D
« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 08:59:20 AM by Sharon Yorks »
Sharon Yorks
Mark 11:23

(Don't tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is!)


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Re: Proposed changes to club DUES
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2014, 07:10:21 PM »
Well, for what it's worth, email obviously isn't working for me.  I did not receive my bulletin.  I have been getting plenty of email, but did not recieve a bulletin.  I will double check my settings, but John you may have to try sending it again.
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