Author Topic: Calciboost  (Read 2423 times)


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« on: April 08, 2006, 09:10:36 AM »
If you have ever had problems with hens laying eggs with no shells then Calciboost or a similar product may help you. I have several older hens this year that were laying eggs with no shells and one hen that has laid eggs with no shells for most of her life. I have used Calciboost for several years with my peafowl. Peahens that are not free-roaming are notorious for having calcium deficiencies. I decided to try the calciboost on the suspect Ameraucana hens and bingo  . . . the eggs are coming now. Just a hint if you have this issue with birds.

I am not getting paid for this . . . just sharing some information about a product that may help others who have valuable or rare hens that have issues laying eggs.



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« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2006, 07:32:09 PM »

feeding grit helps with the digestion and also egg shell as it helbs break down the calcium.  we use oyster shells for calcium, and it works well, for grit we use \"Grani-Grit\"
One year we got a bag of \"calcium chips\" from the feed store, (I asked for oyster shell, but they gave me that instead, and i never noticed until i got home and opend the bag!) it looked like crushed limestone or some other stone, was deffinately NOT oyster shell.  Well sinse we had it, we tried it..but I really did not like the results, made the eggs bumpy with calcium deposits, and seemed to make the shell colors change as well.