For male Ameraucanas the Standard reads: "Fairly large, tips carried above the hock joint, fronts concealed by the hackle." Which means the male wings may be correctly carried lower than for many other breeds. Females wings have this description: "Fairly prominent, carried well-folded and above the hock joint." That does leave some leeway, as it does not say how much above the hock joint the wings are to be carried.
Personally, I like to see them carried well above the hock joint, but that's just me.
The only two things I don't like about Brett's rooster is the purplish cast to many of his feathers and that high comb. I do like the fact that his shanks are slate and not black. I will always believe it was a mistake to modify the Standard to make it easier to produce salable black chicks/stock. It does not leave enough of a challenge to produce an all black chicken IMHO.