Author Topic:  (Read 2694 times)


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« on: March 16, 2006, 11:58:43 AM »


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« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2006, 08:49:56 PM »
I just want to add that when everybody is encouraging your friends to write letters to fight the NAIS, that it is important (I think, anyway) to not fight as a \"poultry grower\" or a \"horse keeper\" etc.  stopping the NAIS is not relevant to only one kind of farmer hobbyist- and the 4H kids raising goats need the poultryman\'s support as bad as the poultryman (or -woman) needs the horse trainer\'s.  we\'re all going to sink or swim on this together.

just my two cents- thanks for listening!


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« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2006, 12:34:22 AM »

Well it would apear that \"Big Brother\" IS everwere!!

We are probably the last folks on earth to surcumb and buy a cell phone..but this past week we did just that
I bought a pair of \"TracFone\'s\" for Sean and I, (Sean has to buy his own minits ). They are Motorola Flip phones, no contracts we just have to buy the minits......not cheep either, but I figure if we only use it for emergencies, it should not be too expensive in the long run...
here is a little bit of a tid-bit I learned today
we had to assemble the pnones, including installing a \"SIM\" card befor installing the battery.
well Sean was suspicious about the card...
Well kids of the new millenium, have one advantage over most of us..when they have a question they google it!!
I think it is a good idea to google your \"SIM\" card,
You will be surprised!!
I was!
Sean was right, and I didn\'t believe him, so I googled it myself...
It is a global tracing devise, it stores all you information, calls you make, text messages you send.and to whom..
talk about voluntarialy giving uncle sam a seat in your home!!!
Big Brother IS watching, and we are alowing him in with open armes!

It is not just about the animals..he just wants total control..

Sounds a bit familiar dosen\'t it?


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« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2006, 12:38:59 PM »
For what it\'s worth here is an article entitled \"The Beast Comes Forward\"