Ok..let me clarify what I have in mind for the gallery and we'll see if that matches up with the original intention.

I don't mean to have a large folder of, say, wheaten Ameraucana large fowl, so someone can pick and choose which one they like or don't like. What I would like to see is a good chick pic (sounds like movie night), a good pic around the time of first molt - when they are changing from chick to adult feathers, a good juvie (pullets and cockerels), and a good adult for each sex in each variety (sex not determined for chicks, of course).
I like Clif's idea of a comments area, but it will take some research to see how to implement that without migrating to a dynamic website - such as joomla or wordpress. So, for now anyway, comments will have to stay in the forum.
I do love hearing everyone's suggestions and comments - even when they don't necessarily agree with my original concept. That is how I stay on track and keep the website something the whole Club can be proud of.