The Official Forum of the Ameraucana Breeders Club > News and Information

Forum update pending

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Susan Mouw:
The version of forum software that we are operating is out of date and no longer supported. There are updates available that will improve performance and offer better internet safety and virus protection.

In order to implement these, the forum will need to be down for a couple of hours.  It will be going offline at 2:00PM (EDST) and should be back up by 4:00PM (EDST).

Please do not try to logon after 2:00PM and before 4:00PM (EDST) today.

Thank you

Susan Mouw:
Please log out now. I need to back up the database before I apply the update and I cannot do that while you are online.

Thank you

Susan Mouw:
The update is complete. We have lost the Chat room. It was a third-party add in and was very vulnerable.

We have new functionality that gives us something like the "like" button in Facebook. If you look under your name, you will +/- signs, so you can indicate you like (+) a post.

Mindy and Tom Best:
Hi Susan...thanks for all your work!  I am not seeing the +/-. I see an applaud/smite under the member who created the post. (I am  using a smart phone right now so I am not sure if this is the reason)

Susan Mouw:
Hi Mindy,

Look under your profile pic, then below the # of posts. It should something like:

Karma: +/-

Works great, too! :)


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