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Mindy and Tom Best:
Got it but I click "applaud" and your "+" number goes up!


--- Quote from: Susan Mouw on February 20, 2015, 05:18:21 PM ---Hi Mindy,

Look under your profile pic, then below the # of posts. It should something like:

Karma: +/-

Works great, too! :)

--- End quote ---

I don't see anything like that. 

Susan Mouw:
Hmmm, interesting.  The Case of the Missing Karma

would have made a great Nancy Drew book.

Mindy and Tom Best:
Lol it was there...gone...and now back. And options are applaud or smite. Not +/-. Interesting for sure :o !

Susan Mouw:
I think there's a clue in there. Let me see if I can find my magnifying glass...


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