Author Topic: Multiple Categories in the Forums  (Read 8642 times)


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Multiple Categories in the Forums
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2006, 09:04:12 AM »
I agree with everything Poultry Guy wrote, except that I would maintain a breeder\'s list and have it as subsection of marketplace. I know when I was new, I was desperately searching for an Ameraucana breeder and I struck gold, but it took two months of searching.


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Multiple Categories in the Forums
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2006, 09:22:15 AM »
My point I\'m trying to get across on this thread is to create more categories and sort into them what we have in the current Ameraucana Marketplace.  Then, moderate all the forums and move off topic posts over to the correct category so that it doesn\'t take months to find something.

Just the other day, yet again, I was looking page after page for a single post that has occurred within the last few months and I couldn\'t find it.  I gave up since this single line of posting without any organization whatsoever just frustrates me to no end.

A Breeder\'s list is a great idea, but it doesn\'t belong in a forum.  It is a relatively static entitiy that would not require posting.  There are other ways to implement a breeders list.


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Multiple Categories in the Forums
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2006, 03:17:56 PM »
HI John,

I would really like to see more discussions here on this board. I find it easy to use and I like how it is set up. I do not think it will take away from the discussions on the Sharing Place site.

Thanks, Laura


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Multiple Categories in the Forums
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2006, 11:44:41 AM »
I think that some really great ideas have been put forth.
   I do believe that a \"member\'s only\" area would be a mistake.  I don\'t care to join every forum that I may visit, so when I run up against limited access, I just leave.  Also, how better to promote the breed, then to make the breeders more accessible?
  Years ago, when I was trying to pick up this breed, information was anything but forthcoming.  I was looking elsewhere, at other breeds,  until I met Paul Smith at a show.  He was friendly, and full of information for which I didn\'t have to beg.  We need to make it easy for those people who are looking for birds and information.  I wouldn\'t pay for it, nor would I expect anyone else to do so.  
Just my thoughts....

Angela Stanley


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Multiple Categories in the Forums
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2006, 05:02:22 PM »
Poultry Guy,

I agree with your thoughts about the placement of the breeder\'s list. That can be a simple HTML page off the main site and should not be in the forum itself.



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Multiple Categories in the Forums
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2006, 08:03:10 PM »
A Breeder\'s list is a great idea, but it doesn\'t belong in a forum.

I agree with your thoughts about the placement of the breeder\'s list. That can be a simple HTML page off the main site and should not be in the forum itself.

I agree too.  
I do believe that a \"member\'s only\" area would be a mistake.

I agree.
I would really like to see more discussions here on this board.

I am actually surprised at the volume of posts and number of topics on this forum, but would certainly welcome more.  How do we get more?  This forum is only about a year and a half old and only deals with Ameraucana chickens, the breed club and related topics.  I think this forum is filling that niche.
create more categories and sort into them what we have in the current Ameraucana Marketplace.

As mentioned we originally had more than one category.  We had the Marketplace for buying & selling birds, eggs and related items and Club Notes for club related information including posts about shows.  When we brought the forum back after it was hacked we went with one general category, but still called it the Ameraucana Marketplace.  I think the category title still fits since it is a marketplace for everything associated with Ameraucanas, including information.  If we had a lot of daily posts on this forum I would agree that about three categories would be an advantage.  Other than checking out the ABC Sharing Place from time to time this is the only forum that I visit.  I check it out daily and find that with everything under one category I can check out any new posts quickly.  If I had to open three different categories to see what is new under each one of them it would take more time.  Even when I go to the Sharing Place I view the general category so that I can view all the topics at once.  I see it as an advantage on forums/boards dealing with one breed of chickens like this.  If this forum encompassed all poultry or even just all breeds of bantam chickens we would need multiple categories for sure.  After reading the responses here and receiving some email messages I don\'t yet see a consensus for change.  It really wouldn\'t make a big difference to me and I am one that is always for change when it is beneficial.  A few here have said they would like multiple categories, but I am not sure if the silent ones don\'t care or if by not posting don\'t want change.
moderate all the forums and move off topic posts over to the correct category

Good advice, but it takes time.  I\'ve done it myself a few times.  The administrators have their own lives and have volunteered to help with this forum.  I am thankful for their help and time.  It ain\'t no fun doin\' it yourself. :D

Mike Gilbert

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Multiple Categories in the Forums
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2006, 09:36:27 PM »
We aim to please, but we know we can\'t please everyone.
This club is run by the ABC Board of Directors, and its decisions are final.   The way to get involved is to run for office.   2006 is an election year, and if you are a dues paying member you will have ample opportunity to throw your hat into the ring.    In the meantime, the present ABC Directors have delegated decision making with regard to the website and the forum to the administrators - those who are doing the actual work.    We feel they are doing a great job at a very reasonable cost .     Thanks to them and to all who participate with discussions and advice to help make this a valuable place to visit on a regular basis.   If there is some bit of knowledge about Ameraucanas you need please do not hesitate to ask.     In this way we can all help one another.

Mike Gilbert


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Multiple Categories in the Forums
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2006, 11:39:10 PM »

I agree with you. I wish there had been a board like this when I first got interested in the breed. Would have saved me a lot of time, money and grief.

Everyone is so nice here and helpful. I enjoy reading the posts here and appreciate the work that goes into maintaining it.


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Multiple Categories in the Forums
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2006, 11:47:38 PM »
I\'ve offered to do the work several times.  

I\'ve offered to setup and administer new tools for everyone to use (calendars, etc).  I\'ve offered to do automated, offsite backups of this website and forum database on one of my servers.  I\'ve also offered to host this website on one of my servers when the current site fees expire.  

I\'ve even created a reworked website (at the suggestion of one of the board members) that includes a dynamic navigation menu, clickable image map for the districts, and a rudimentary image viewer for all the photos.  This initial draft site was posted for review at

All of this I\'ve offered free of charge.


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Multiple Categories in the Forums
« Reply #24 on: May 08, 2006, 10:59:43 AM »
I\'ve offered to do the work several times.

I know you have and you seem to have much more knowledge regarding websites and forums than I do, but as you know I forwarded your ideas to the club Directors and club members that help with these areas asking for their input.  I only had a couple responses and they said to leave things as they are.  Please don\'t take it personally.  You are a relatively new member to the club and we have several new members each year that come on strong, but then drop out.  Maybe you are in for the long haul, but we don\'t know that yet.  There is concern about anyone that is new to the club revamping the website and/or forum and then not being around to maintain it.  As it is the current webmaster and forum administrators have the knowledge needed to maintain the website and forum the way they are setup.  Just because some ideas aren\'t being implemented at this time doesn\'t mean they won\'t ever be.
Once again thanks for the time and thought you\'ve put into your proposals.    


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Multiple Categories in the Forums
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2006, 12:43:07 PM »
One of the reasons I am so frustrated (not anyone\'s fault here) is that I recently was on another forum where I found that the so called \"administrator\" was once a month deleting off the old posts to make room for the new ones.  Yes, that\'s right, he DELETED them.

His reasoning was that everybody had read the \"NEWS\" already so why keep it, those old posts were just cluttered up the website anyway and took up room.

When I suggested implementing a database driven bulletin board / forum which used space more efficiently and keep the forum posts for people to search through to able to learn from, he told me to stop spamming him.   He didn\'t need somebody telling him how to run that club\'s site, everything he had was perfectly good for what they wanted.

I apologize if I come across pushy.  When I see sites that could use improvement and I am tied to them in through my interests, I can\'t help but suggest ways to help.  I spend 75% of my waking hours in front of a computer.  I\'m always looking for ways to drop that back a few percentage points whenever I can by automation and installations of newer and better tools.

I\'ve already have started my pen expansions from 3 flight pens to 12.  I\'m adding Blue, Buff, and Black Gold this year to my existing lineup of Black, White, and Silver.  I\'m here to stay.

Mike Gilbert

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Multiple Categories in the Forums
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2006, 06:38:37 PM »
Glad to hear that Wes, and we are really glad to have you.
Please understand that some of us who have been around this breed for up to 30 years, as I have, have seen countless folks full of enthusiasm burn out after a year or two.   For that reason one of the main criteria we use in awarding the annual \"Breeder of the Year Award\" is longevity.   We have yet to award that plaque to anyone who has been with us less than 10 years, though that could change in the near future.
There is nothing wrong with any of your ideas, and we are happy to have your input, so don\'t give up.   But don\'t be surprised if it takes a year or two to implement some of your suggestions.    Thanks so much for your generous offer.