This will be my first year hatching Ameraucanas. Last year was my first hatching at all, but this thread is specific to Ameraucana breeding with the intention of bettering the wheaten/blue wheaten/splash wheaten variety.
I have fully experienced the truth behind the length of time it takes for this variety to fully mature! Three of my Ameraucanas are just over a year old, and they still seem to be changing slightly week by week. My little darlins from Paul and Angela are only 8 months old now, and Marley, my late blooming wheaten cockerel is JUST NOW going through adolescence! My questions are going to be centered around the age to begin hatching.
I have read a couple places that recommend not even trying to hatch from Wheatens who are less than a year old. There was a ditty about the hatch rate, health of the chicks, defects not showing on the cockerel and pullets yet, etc. I would like to hear some opinions from some multi year breeders, especially from the wheatens, but from other varieties of Ameraucanas as well. My New Hampshires, Delawares and Barred Rocks matured extremely early, so I am not as concerned about them.
It is not imperative that I breed any of these this year. I am patient, and can wait if it will save me some frustration and allow me to have a more successful test hatch. I don't have unlimited funds, so I have to be wise with what I do with my program, as I run a family of 9, and need to be a good steward of all the Lord has blessed me, too.
While I am at it, let me share a recent picture of my late bloomer, Marley! He is 8 months old, this picture was a couple weeks ago, but a couple weeks before that, he looked like a 4 month old still! He is in his puberty, for sure!! I am excited for him!